Frames Of Reference In Ot

Frames Of Reference In Ot

Frames Of Reference In OT

Frames of reference provide Occupational Therapists a framework to provide effective and meaningful interventions for their clients. They are essential tools to help clinicians to plan and provide effective, evidence-based interventions. This article will provide an overview of the various frames of reference in Occupational Therapy, their purpose, and how they can be used in practice.

What is a Frame of Reference?

A frame of reference is a set of concepts, ideas, and theories that provide a framework for understanding a particular subject or situation. In Occupational Therapy, frames of reference provide clinicians with a way to conceptualize and evaluate a client's functional performance and to plan meaningful interventions.

Types of Frames of Reference

There are several different frames of reference that are used in Occupational Therapy. These include the person-environment-occupation (PEO) model, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Sensory Integration Theory (SIT), Motor Learning Theory (MLT), and the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO).
Using Frames of Reference in Practice
Frames of reference provide Occupational Therapists with a way to understand their client's functional performance and to plan effective interventions. By using a variety of frames of reference, clinicians can gain insight into the client's unique needs and develop interventions that are tailored to the individual. Frames of reference can also be used to assess progress and measure the effectiveness of interventions.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. opinion about the importance of learning reference in understanding a text.

artinya :
Pendapat tentang pentingnya referensi belajar dalam memahami sebuah teks.My opinion about the importance of learning reference in understanding a text is that it's really important to understand what reference are you reading. And if you or anyone out there don't understand what they're reading, you or they must ask a person/people who you think is capable to tell you something that's not understandable to you. And don't forget to ask the right person, if you ask the wring person, it could be deviated and it could became awkward when you re-explain it to others.

2. opinion about the importance of learning reference in understanding a text

artinya :
Pendapat tentang pentingnya referensi belajar dalam memahami sebuah teks.

3. the object of study area of historical linguistics and the reference


hello my name is reddy I'm going to do an study tour in historical place, you know what's the name? it's name is semarang heroes historical. I found a chair table and the anatomy of human with very detail. it make my brain have an reference of the place, so the front isthe table and chair it have 30 in one area so in front of table and chair are white board, the side of the board is the anatomy that I say.

so that is my travel for now thanks☺

4. Which one is correct structure of the report? Table of contents, Appendice, Reference, Title page, Conclution, Abstract, Introduction, Main body. Introduction, Abstract, Table of contents, Title page, Main body, Appendice, Conclution. Abstract, Conclution, Table of contents, Introduction, Reference, Title page, Main body, Appendice. Title page, table of contents, Abstract, Introduction, Main body, Conclution, Reference, Appendice.

Her name is Noel I have a dream about her Siri is my boss got a gym class in half an hour

5. Sukma didn't pass the exam ....he didn't study hard. *a. becauseb. because ofc. in result otd. due to​


a. because

semoga membntu

maaf kalo salah

6. Pada menu Reference terdapat table of content yang berguna untuk..

kalo ga salah untuk membuat "daftar isi"
semoga membantu
"buat daftar isi" tapi tulisan judul"nya harus diberi Hading dulu :) :)

7. III. REFERENCE AND SUBSTITUTION4. It was in the 12th year ...​

Jawaban:pay plisss


8. Dear sir with reference to your advertisement in today's time


Dear Sir dengan mengacu pada iklan Anda di waktu hari ini

9. 3-page frames for storing process pages in main memory. IT uses FIFO page placements. If the page reference is 1 2 3 4 3 2 0 4 3 1 0 4 0 1 2 1, calculate number of references, page hit, page fault, hit ratio, fault ratio.


To solve this problem, we need to simulate the operation of the page replacement algorithm using the given page reference sequence. We can do this by using a data structure to keep track of the pages that are currently in memory. In this case, we will use a queue, since the page replacement algorithm uses FIFO (first-in, first-out) page placement.

First, let's initialize some variables to keep track of the number of page references, page hits, and page faults:

page_references = 0

page_hits = 0

page_faults = 0

Next, we will initialize the queue with 3 empty pages:

queue = ["", "", ""]

Now we can start iterating through the page reference sequence, one page at a time. For each page reference, we will check if the page is already in memory by searching the queue. If the page is found, we increment the page hit count. If the page is not found, we increment the page fault count and add the page to the queue.

Here is the code to do this:

for page in [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 0, 4, 3, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 2, 1]:

   page_references += 1

   if page in queue:

       page_hits += 1


       page_faults += 1



After executing this code, the variables page_references, page_hits, and page_faults will contain the number of page references, page hits, and page faults, respectively.

To calculate the hit ratio and fault ratio, we can simply divide the number of page hits and page faults by the number of page references:

hit_ratio = page_hits / page_references

fault_ratio = page_faults / page_references

10. Reference group dianggap memiliki perananpenting. Hal ini dikarenakan ....A. reference group menyajikan gambaranterbaik yang seharusnya ada dalam diriseseorangreference group membentuk kepribadi-an yang sesuai dengan peraturan dalamkelompokC.reference group dapat menjadi motivasiuntuk mencapai kualitas ideal dalam diriseseorangD. reference group dapat memaksa anggota-nya untuk tetap memiliki perasaan in-groupE. reference group memastikan setiapanggota mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku​


A. reference group menyajikan gambaran terbaik yang seharusnya ada dalam diri seseorang...


semoga membantu:)

11. How important is learning Pronoun reference in reading activity? Give your explanation!



Learning english js very importen we can talk itu people

12. To decide term of reference , you should think about...


aku orang indonesia jadi gk ngerti hehehehe

13. apa yang dimaksud dengan frames

Satuan kecil dalam Vidio

14. 20) A library .... contains a list of all the books in the library. A. article B. catalogue C. edition D. reference


B. Catalogue



maaf kalo salah

15. fungsi pada shape frames adalah

berfungsi untuk Shape Tween objek yang dianimasikan harus dngn jenis Shape, untuk ukuran file yang dihasilkan Shape Tween lebih besar dibandingkan motion Tween.

16. cara menyusun daftar referensi menggunakan table of reference

1. Nama. Nama penulis ditulis paling awal.

2. Tahun Terbit. Setelah nama, cantumkan tahun terbit dari buku yang teman-teman gunakan sebagai referensi.

3. Judul Buku. Tuliskan judul bukumu secara lengkap.

4. Kota dan Nama Penerbit.

17. Lani and Rani made 40 Frames altogether Lani made 8 fewer frames than Rani. How many frames did Rani made? Dgn Cara ​

[tex]lani + rani = 40 \\ rani - 8 + rani = 40 \\ 2rani = 40 + 8 \\ rani = \frac{48}{2} \\ rani = 24 \: frames[/tex]

18. Salah satu fungsi satelit adalah sebagai point of reference ini berarti satelit berguna untuk

untuk berkomunikasi menyebarkan berita seperti radoi

19. Kegunaan flatten frames into layers ?​


Semoga Membantu


Merubah Frame Pada Video Menjadi Layer di Adobe Photoshop

20. I_a wallet yesterday.there a wall ot of money it.




i found a wallet yesterday. there’s a lot of money.

gitu? sori kalo salah.

Is 2 Greater Than 1

Is 2 Greater Than 1

Is 2 Greater Than 1?


The answer to the question "Is 2 greater than 1?" is a simple yes. This is because 2 is a larger number than 1 and can be expressed mathematically as 2 > 1.

Mathematical Representation of the Answer

The mathematical expression of the answer to this question is 2 > 1. This expression uses the greater than symbol (>) to show that 2 is greater than 1. This can be written in a number of ways, including 2 > 1, 2 > 1, 2 > 1, or 2 > 1.

Understanding the Answer

Understanding the answer to this question is simple. As 2 is a larger number than 1, it is greater than 1. This can be seen when looking at a number line, where 2 is to the right of 1.

Real World Examples

This answer can be seen in many real world scenarios. For example, if you had two apples and one apple, the two apples would be greater than the one apple. The same applies to other objects, such as two books being greater than one book.


In conclusion, the answer to the question "Is 2 greater than 1?" is a simple yes. This is because 2 is a larger number than 1 and can be expressed mathematically as 2 > 1.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. is 30.30 greater than 30.03

Yes, "30.30" is greater than "30.03"

----Jika diterjemah----
Apakah 30.30 lebih besar daripada 30.03?


2. A numner greater than 1/8 but les than 1/7 is

sebuah nomer yg lebih besar dari 1/8 tetapi lebih kecil dari 1/7 adalah

3. find a number greater than 1/8 but less than 1/7 is​

Trivial solution , 0.13 = 13/100

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
1/8 = 0.125
1/7 = 0.142857... ≈ 0.14

Therefore, let take 0.13 because that number is between 1/8 and 1/7.

0.13 = 13/100

Disclaimer : The are infinitely many solutions to this question..I am taking the easiest one(trivial solution).

4. An obtuse angle is one whose measures is greater than.........but less than.....​


An obtuse angle is one whose measures is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

(*maaf kalau salah*)


An obtuse angle is one whose measures is greater than 90° but less than 180°


terjemahan : Sudut tumpul adalah sudut yang ukurannya lebih besar dari ... tetapi kurang dari ...

jawaban yg tepat adalah greater than 90° but less than 180°

(ukurannya lebih besar dari 90° tetapi kurang dari 180°)

semangat ya belajarnya, semoga membantu :)

5. the smallest deed is greater than the grandest intention

Perbuatan terkecil lebih bermakna dari niat yang termulia.

6. 16. The correct comparison sentence at the following angle is ... *ا ا اTandai satu oval saja.angle A is greater than 90 degreesangle B is smaller than 90 degreesangle C is greater than 90 degreesangle D is smaller than 90 degrees​

Jawaban: Angle D is smaller than 90 degrees

Maaf jika jawaban salah

Terima kasih

7. Which fraction is greater than 3/4? a. 1/3 b. 2/5 c. 4/5 d. 1/4

jawaban ny


jawaban nya c.4/5

C. 4/5
maaf klo salah^^ semoga kebantu

8. When numerator is greater thandenominator it is calledcalled as improper ...​


improper fraction

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

A fraction with a numerator that is greater than or equal to the denominator is known as an improper fraction. It represents a number greater than or equal to one. Numbers that are not whole numbers, but are greater than one, can be written as improper fractions or mixed numbers

note : hi this is dewi, i'm sorry if there are any error in answering this question. thanks and please MAKE IT AS BRAINLEST ANSWER ^^



Pecahan dengan pembilang yang lebih besar dari atau sama dengan penyebut disebut pecahan biasa. Ini mewakili angka yang lebih besar dari atau sama dengan satu. Bilangan yang bukan bilangan bulat, tetapi lebih besar dari satu, dapat ditulis sebagai pecahan biasa atau bilangan campuran.


A fraction with a numerator that is greater than or equal to the denominator is known as an improper fraction. It represents a number greater than or equal to one. Numbers that are not whole numbers, but are greater than one, can be written as improper fractions or mixed numbers.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Maaf yha kalau salah, semoga membantu

9. apa arti the smallest deed is greater than the grandest intention dalam bahasa indonesia

Perbuatan terkecil lebih bagus daripada niat yang terbesarakta terkecil lebih besar dari niat megah
Semoga membantu

10. find a number greater than 0,3 but less than 1/2​


11. 2078 is greater than 1982. * True or false


The sentences is true, cause 2078 lebih besar dari 1982

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


12. Fifty is less than porty (tree / pal se) sever is greater or equal to seven (trave / False) twenty is greater than fifteen (true (faise) than ten (tree /False) twelve is greater than ten than one thousand and two is less one thousand and one (true / False)tolong jawab dong ini soal ya​


1. true

2. true

3. true

4. true

5. false


sorry if I'm wrong

13. find a number greater than 1/5 but less than 1/4

1/5 = 8/40
1/4 = 10/40

x (a number that greater than 1/5 but less than 1/4) = 9/40dgn menggunakan KPK, samakan penyebut kedua pecahan:

4/20, 5/20

masih belum ketemu, kalikan 2/2

8/40, 10/40

bilangan tersebut adalah 9/40

14. find a number greater than 1/8 but less than 1/7 istolong bantuannya​



Semoga membantu

15. is greater than or equal to dalam custom autofilter mempunyai tujuan

mensortir nilai data terbesar ke terkecil

16. The sum of two numbers is 51. The greater number is twice the smaller number. The smaller number is greater than 15 but smaller than 20. Find the product of the two numbers.

51 : 3 = 17

17 x 2 = 34

17 & 34


17 & 34

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bilangan A & B

A = 2B

A < 20

A + B = 51

51 = A + B

51 = 2B + B

51 = 3B

B = 51 ÷ 3

B = 17

A = 2B

A = 2(17)

A = 34

17. er than to28so zis greater than3 23.8greatest75 Arrange the fractions in order, beginning with thea greatest ?zosb smallest: 7Tz12ola10 is greater than 24So, is greater than jawaban nya adalah​


inilah aot

semuanya mayat

dhlah lanjutin :v

18. Write any fraction that is greater than 1/2. (Write at least 3 fractions)

a. 3/4
b. 4/5
c. 7/8
mark as the brainliest answer if im correct thanks :)

19. find a number greater than 1/4 but les than 1/3​


i think it is from 1/3,1 until 1/3,9

20. the musikal note ti (7) is more strident than re (2). this is because note ti (7) has... a. greater period b. higher frequency c. greater amplitude d. greater speed travel tolong yaa:))

jawabnya B. higher frequency.. heheh CMIIWThe musikal note ti (7) is more strident than re (2). this is because note ti (7) has...b. higher frequency 

90 Days From July 15

90 Days From July 15

90 Days from July 15


90 days from July 15 is October 13. This timeline marks the start of the fourth quarter of the year, which is typically the busiest and most productive period for many businesses, organizations, and individuals.

Uses of 90 Days from July 15

90 days from July 15 is a popular timeline for setting goals and deadlines. For example, many businesses use this timeline to set quarterly objectives and initiatives. Individuals may also use this timeline to create a 90-day personal growth plan or to set financial goals.

Significance of 90 Days from July 15

90 days from July 15 marks the start of the fourth quarter of the year, which is typically the busiest and most productive period for many businesses, organizations, and individuals. Setting goals and deadlines on this timeline can help ensure that you stay on track and make the most of the fourth quarter.

Tips for Setting Goals on 90 Days from July 15

When setting goals on 90 days from July 15, it is important to be realistic and achievable. Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks and set milestones for yourself to keep you motivated. It is also important to stay organized and track your progress.


90 days from July 15 is an important timeline for setting goals and deadlines. It is important to be realistic and achievable when setting goals on this timeline, and to stay organized and track progress. By doing so, you can make the most of the fourth quarter of the year.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. How many days are there in July​


31 days

sharing is caring :)

question :

Ada berapa hari di bulan Juli?




July is the 7th month in 1 calendar year.

2. July consists of........days. Ada yg tau gk

July consists of 31 days.Semoga membantu.July consists of 31 (thirty one) days

3. How many days do July and August have​


31 Days / 31 Hari


Semoga membantu :)))

31 days
numpang poinnya hyung hehe:)

4. Fira swims every 2 days a week. Sean swims every 3 days a week. If they swam together on 4 July 2020, when will they swim together again? * A. 6 July 2020 B. 7 July 2020 C. 9 July 2020 D. 10 July 2020


C. 9 July 2020

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2+3+4 =9

=9 July 2020

5. I...a letter from her two days ago(not,get)

I (get) a letter blablablai get a letter from her two days ago

6. write the date that is six days from February 5th 2019 !​


February 11th 2019?


maaf kalau salah, itu maksudnya 6 hari setelah tanggal 5 februari kan?

7. palapa ...............was lonched on july 8,1976 on a US rocket from the kennedy space center


8. here is the book i..... from you a few days ago...

here is the book i borrowed from you a few days agohere is the book I "borrowed" from you a few days ago.

smoga brmanfaat.

9. Days of the week are Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday s. Week days are 5 days from Monday until Friday. Weekend are 2 days from Saturday to Sunday 2. What day is it? It's Monday​


hari rabu


Hari dalam seminggu adalah Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu Minggu s. Hari minggu adalah 5 hari dari Senin sampai Jumat. Akhir pekan adalah 2 hari dari Sabtu sampai Minggu 2. Hari apa itu? Ini hari Senin hari Rabu



2. What day is it?

It is Saturday.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Days (nama hari) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Semoga membantu ya.

10. Pada tanggal 15 july 1959 presiden soekarno mengeluarkan dekrit presiden dengan alasan

-Kegagalaan konstituante dalam menetapkan UUD sehingga Indonesia tidak memiliki kebijakan serta pijakan hukum yang mantap
-Terjadinya kekacauan pada situasi politik
-Terjadinya konflik antar partai yang dapat menganggu kestabilan negara
-Terjadinya pemberontakan yang menjurus kepada gerakan separatisme
-Banyaknya partai di kursi parlemen yang berbeda pendapat
-Masing-masing dari partai banyak melakukan berbagai cara untuk mencapai tujuan partainya masing-masing

11. Kerjakan cara menulis dan membaca tanggal berikut ini seperti contoh di buku catatanmu! example : 15 July 2020 = July 15th 2020 dibaca July fifteenth, twenty tweny 1. 3 September 2018 = 2. 31 Maret 2020 =


1.September 3rd 2018 dibaca September third,twenty eighteen

2.March 31st 2020 dibaca March thirty first,twenty twenty

1. September third, twenty eighteenth.

2. March thirty first, twenty tweny.

May my answer can helps you✨

12. 3. National museum of Indonesia __________ about 109,342 objects of Indonesian cultural heritage from historic days up to present days.


museum nasional indonesia tentang 109.342 benda cagar budaya indonesia dari zaman dulu sampai sekarang.

13. The text is for number 21 and 22.Hi. I'm Sarah. Yesterday was my birthday. 4 days after today will be my mom's birthday. Today is July 6. I and myfamily will hold a nice celebration for it.21. Sa ah birthday is ...D July 10A. July 2C. July 6B. July 522. Sarah's mother will celebrate her birthday in ...A. July 2B. July 5C. July 6D. July 10​


A. July 6

B. July 10

Semoga membantu :)


21. B.July 5

22. D. July 10


Hari ini tanggal 6 July

▫Kemaren ulang tahun Sarah

> July 5

▫4 hari kemudian ulang tahun ibu Sarah

> July 10

**✿❀ Semoga Membantu ❀✿**

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

14. 5 july ditambah 90 hari tahun 2016tanggal berapa ya? ​


26 September 2016

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


15. apa b ind his class starts from july 2015tojune 2016

kelasnya(laki-laki) mulai dari Juli 2015 sampai Juni 2016
kelasnya (laki-laki) dimulai dari bulan Juli 2015 sampai Juni 2016

16. January has... daysFebruary has...daysMarch has... days.April has...daysMay has...daysJune has...daysJuly has...days.August has...days.September has...daysOctober has ....daysNovember has... days.December has... days.​


January has thirty one days.

February has twenty eight or twenty nine days.

March has thirty one days.

April has thirty days.

May has thirty one days.

June has thirty days.

July has thirty one days.

August has thirty one days.

September has thirty days.

October has thirty one days.

November has thirty days.

December has thirty one days.​


Pada soal di atas, diminta untuk menuliskan jumlah hari pada bulan.

Jumlah hari yaitu 28/29 hari, 30 hari, dan 31 hari.

28 = twenty eight.

29 = twenty nine.

30 = thirty.

31 = thirty one.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai months in a year pada


17. i (not,get) a letter from her two days ago.

i didn't get a letter from her two days ago
i got a letter from her two days ago.kalau kata lampau 

'did+not' ( didn't )
'get'    got digunakan untuk bentuk past tense atau lampau
jadi not di ganti ''didn't'', dan get di ganti ''got''

18. Jocelyn practice for her test for 13 days during July. What fraction of the days in the month did Jocelyn practice?​


50days ya ka semoga membantu semangat

19. Can you Answer it ? 1. how much days in September month ? 2. how much days in Februari month ? 3. how much days in July month ? 4. how much days in Oktober month ? 5. how much days in December month ? good luck for answer it :) *no ngasal di report


1. 30 Days

2. 28 Days

3. 31 Days

4. 31 Days

5. 31 Days


1. There are 3 days in septebmer

2. There are 29 days in february

3. There are 31 days in july

4. There are 31 days in october

5. There are 31 days in december

sry if its not right

20. (+) we stola a grape from my yard two days awo(-) (?)​


(-) we didn't steal a grape from my yard two days ago

(?) did we steal a grape from my yard two days ago?


(+) We stole a grale from my yard two days ago

(-) We didn't steal a grape from my yard two days ago

(?) Did we steal a grape from your yard two days ago?

maaf kalo salah. semoga membantu.

have a nice day :)

Brainstem Lesion Practice Questions

Brainstem Lesion Practice Questions

Brainstem lesions are a type of injury that affects the lower portion of the brainstem, which is responsible for many basic functions. Symptoms of a brainstem lesion can include difficulties with balance, vision, breathing, and speech. **What is the purpose of Brainstem Lesion Practice Questions?** The purpose of Brainstem Lesion Practice Questions is to help healthcare professionals better understand the symptoms, causes, and treatments associated with this type of injury, as well as provide a better understanding of the anatomy of the brainstem.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Practice the dialogue and answer the questions

1) Sindhu, ponco
2) they would like to go on a trip together
3) tiogomanik forest, kemadohbatur village, Tewangharjo district,grogoban regency
4) 10.00 or ten o'clock in the morning
5) In grogoban regency

Selamat mengerjakan, ^-^)/

2. Answer of practice 4 answer following questions based on the text in practice 1

Choice C is the best answer. In lines 10-13, the narrator explains that “the machinery of [his] destiny has worked in secret” to prepare him for this journey, as “its clockwork” has propelled him to “this time and place.” By using the phrases “the machinery” and “its clockwork,” the narrator is show- ing that powerful and independent forces are causing him to journey to the North Pole.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not indicate the main purpose of lines 10-13. While lines 10-13 mention that these powerful and independent forces have been working “for years, for a lifetime” to convince the narrator to journey to the North Pole, they do not expose a hidden side of the narrator, demonstrate the narrator’s manner, or explain the amount of time the narrator has spent preparing for his expedition.

Maaf ya kalau salah Semoga membantu

3. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions !​

mana dialognya jubaedah


Artinya praktikkan dialog tersebut! Kemudian menjawab pertanyaan

Nah pertanyaan nya kamu isi karna kamu tidak menunjukan pertanyaan nya

Terimakasih semoga membantu:)

4. complete and practice. write down the questions and practice the conversation with your friend. they you may change the answer with your own. tlg

1. Question: What did you do today?

2. What did ypu do this evening?

3. Who were you having a picnic with?

4. Kurang jelas tulisannya

5. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions !​

1) Because rini not cross at the zebra cross.

6. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions! ​


1 because rini is going to cross the road in a very dangerous situation

2 That she should cross the road in the zebra cross

3 yes rini understand it now

7. Bahasa indonesia dari practice the dialog then answer the questions about it verbally​


latihan melakukan dialog tersebut lalu jawab pertanyaannya secara verbally

8. Tentukan persamaan kuadrat yang mempunyai akar akar penye lesion 5 Dan -2 adalah. ...

jawaban saya adalah 5 dan 2 itu sama dengan jawaban saya 

menggunakan rumus perkalian faktor
misalkan X1=-2 dan x2= 5
(x - (-2)) (x - 5)
(x + 2)(x - 5)=0
X² - 5x + 2x - 10 = 0
x² - 3x - 10 = 0

9. task 2 practice the dialogue with your patner and answer the questions

A : Hi, Rika! How are you today?

B : I'm fine. And you?

A : I'm fine too. Thank you.

B : You have already done with your task?

A : Yes of course. And how abot you?

B : Yeah.. It's too dificult for me. But I've try my best.

10. practice the dialogue below then answer the questions about it!1-10

2. Playing a song
6. Good lyrics and the music is nice to listen
7. Their songs are performed in a full band but they are just two
8. Banda 's instead
10. After school in Reni's house at 4 o'clock

Maaf ya cuma ini saja
Semoga memuaskan ..

11. Practice the dialog below in pairs then answer the questions

1. Anas usually goes to bed at 10
2. Anas usually gets up at 5
3. He gets a morning prayer and take a bath
4. He gets breakfast at half past seven1. Anas usually goes to bed at 10. 2. Anas usually gets up at 5. 3. He gets a morning prayer and takes a bath. 4. He gets breakfast at half past seven. (pada simple present: he + verb with es/s)

12. Practice A Put the words in brackets () in the right order to make questions.​



•where do you live?

1) when do you get up?

2) where does she comes from?

3) when are they leaving?

4) why is he waiting?

5) how are you?

6) how did you get to scotland?

7) where is the town centre?

8) why does paul drives so fast?

9) when does the film starts?

10) how will you travel?

11) why is she running

12) where did you buy that picture?



•dimana kamu tinggal?

1) kapan kamu bangun?

2) dari mana dia berasal?

3) kapan mereka pergi?

4) mengapa dia menunggu?

5) apa kabar?

6) bagaimana Anda sampai ke skotlandia?

7) di mana pusat kota?

8) mengapa paul mengemudi begitu cepat?

9) kapan filmnya dimulai?

10) bagaimana Anda akan bepergian?

11) mengapa dia berlari?

English:sorry if it's wrong and sent late and changed just ok thank you for allowing me to answer and get coins ok I'm still a beginner so I can't rush ok bye :)

indo:maaf kalau salah dan telat dikirim dan diganti ok terima kasih sudah mengizinkan saya menjawab dan mendapatkan koin ok saya masih pemula jadi saya tidak bisa terburu-buru ok dah :)

13. Telling time practice questions!mohon dijawab soal dibawah ya!terimakasih​


semoga membantu


1. it is twenty to three

2. it is half to eight

3. it is ten to six

4. it is half past ten

5. it is twenty past six

6. it is twenty to Twelve

7. it is ten to ten

8. it is three o'clock


it is twenty past twelve

14. practice write yes/no questions use the example as the model

1.Is bunda rita is a popular singer(yes)
2.Is justin bieber is apopular singer(yes)
3.Is jokowidodo is a singer(no) obama is apopular singer(no) one direction is a popular band(yes)

15. answer the followings questions based on the text in practice 3

Tidak ada teks nya!

16. Question task 2 Practice the dialogue then answer the questions about it

4.temple electronics store
5.because Nina want to buy a fan with her mother

17. QUESTIONS Rearrange the words in italics. then,practice the conversations with your patner!tolong jawab lengkap

1. that small brown one?
2.its a small cylindrical yellow pencil case
3.who is that beautiful young girl?
4.have you seen my long wooden blue pencil? (sepertinya)

maaf kalau salah...

18. answer the questions based on the dialogue in practice​


1. Alvin is twelve years old

2. Jason is thirteen years old

3. Alvin was born in 2002 in Makassar

4. Jason was born in 2001 in Jakarta

5. Alvin is younger than Jason


1. twelve years old

2.thirteen years old

3.he was born in 2002 in Makassar

4. he was born in 2001 in jakarta


19. Read and practice the following dialogue! Then answer the questions!


1)about ryan

2)in emma' s opinion is ryan get to school again so that he get a good education for his future

and carlos opinion is ryan is need to get work,carlos think money it's what ryan need.

3)he can work while studying

4)it's very important for the future

5)like arguing but not rude


maaf kalau salah

20. practice this following questions answer and then change with your own sentence terjemah kan​


jawaban pertanyaan berikut ini dan ubah dengan kalimat Anda sendiri



latih jawaban pertanyaan berikut ini dan ubah dengan kalimat Anda sendiri

ini jawabannya yah udah jangan nangis (:

44 8 Kg To Lbs

44 8 Kg To Lbs

Introduction to Converting Kilograms (kg) to Pounds (lbs)

What is a Kilogram?

A kilogram is a unit of mass in the metric system and is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). It is equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram.

What is a Pound?

A pound is a unit of weight in the imperial system of measurement. It is equal to 16 ounces or 0.45 kilograms.

How to Convert Kilograms to Pounds?

To convert kilograms (kg) to pounds (lbs), multiply the kilogram value by 2.2046226218.


Convert 44 kg to lbs: 44 kg * 2.2046226218 = 97.8981732 lbs
In conclusion, 44 kilograms is equal to 97.8981732 pounds.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. a. 110 LBS itu berapa kg? b. 80 LBS itu berapa kg?


110 lbs itu 48,895 Kg atau dibulatkan jadi 50kg

80 lbs itu 36,287 kg atau di bulatkan jadi 36 kg

1 lbs = 453,6 gram

2. 1 LBS itu lebih besar atau lebih kecil dari 1 kg? Dan berapakah 1 LBS itu dalam kilogram?

dura ratus ribu 
oal ko sok sa je nak

3. 1 kg itu berapa lbs?

ya.."lbs" itu apa...?
lbs itu apa?
apa itu lbs?


4. jelaskan pengertian ABSW,FCO,LBS,dan RECLOSER

1.LBS(load break switch)mrpkan saklar pemutus arus tiga fase untuk penempatan di luar ruas pd tiang pancang,yg dikendalikan scra elektronis.
2.ABSW(air break switch)adlh peralatan hubung yg berfungsi sbgi pemisah dan biasa dipasang pd jaringan luar.
3.RECLOSER(penutup balik otomatis/PBO)adlh peralatan yg digunakan untuk memproteksi bila ada gangguan.
itu yg saya tahu...Maaf klo salahh....

5. yang meninggal desa lbs 35 orang dengan angka kelahiran kasar 70 tentukanlah jumlah penduduk lbs

tinggal 70 dikurang 35
hasil 35
maaf klo slh

6. berapa frekuensi : transponder,audio PID,videoPID,symbol rate,polarization,dan pcr PID siaran lbs tv on life ?

frekuensinya mungkin sampai 200 HZ

7. If 2.2 lbs = 1.0 kg, and Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs, what is her weight in newtons?


as it is given that

2.2 lbs = 1 kg

here we know that Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs

so its mass in kg is given as

m=130 1/2.2=59.1 kg

now to find the weight in Newton unit we can say


W=59.1 * 9.8


so 130 lbs weighs as 579 N in SI units



8. 250 gram sama dengan berapa lbs?

250 gram sama dengan 0.551156 lbs

sama dengan 0,551156 udh setau aku itu

9. percepatan lift: 200 ft/min, beratnya 2204 lbs, berapakah lift akan naik?​


Lift akan naik Dgn semua lantai di rumah itu.

Lift lamanya mungkin akan 5detik /lantai

10. hitung energi kinetik dalam btu 5000 lbs pesawat dengan kecepatan 25 mph gunakan sistem satuan SI

Jadi, Energikinetikdari pesawattersebutsekitar138.611,25J.

Pembahasan : Satuan SI

Sistem satuan di dunia memiliki patokan yaitu satuan SI (Standar Internasional). Satuan Standar Internasional adalah satuan baku yang telah ditetapkan oleh para ahli dan digunakan untuk keseluruhan negara. Sehingga diperlukan pengonversian satuan terlebih dahulu sebelum menghitung suatu besaran dengan patokan satuan SI.

Energi Kinetik

Energi kinetik disebabkan oleh suatu benda yang mengalami suatu pergerakan. Benda yang bergerak ini pastinya akan memiliki kecepatan. Energi kinetik sangat bergantung pada massa dan kecepatan gerak suatu benda. Energi kinetik dapat dirumuskan dengan :

[tex] \boxed{\bold{E_k = \frac{1}{2} \times m \times v^{2}}} [/tex]

Dengan ketentuan :

Ek = energi kinetik (J) m = massa benda (kg) v = kecepatan gerak (m/s) Langkah Penyelesaian :

Keterangan :

1 lbs = 1 pon = 0,45 kg 1 mph = 1,604 km/h

Diketahui :

m = massa benda = 5.000 lbs = 5.000 × 0,45 kg = 2.250 kg v = kecepatan gerak = 25 mph = 25 × 1,604 = 40,1 km/jam ≈ 40 km/jam

Ditanya : Ek = energi kinetik = ... J

Jawaban :

Ubah dulu kecepatan gerak dari km/jam ke m/s

[tex] \frac{40 \: km}{jam} = \frac{40 \times 1.000 \: m}{3.600 \: s} = \frac{11,1 \: m}{s} [/tex]

Hitung energi kinetik pergerakan benda tersebut.

[tex] E_k = \frac{1}{2} \times m \times v^{2} [/tex]

[tex] E_k = \frac{1}{2} \times 2.250 \times 11,1^{2} [/tex]

[tex] E_k = 1.125 \times 123,21 [/tex]

[tex] \boxed{E_k \approx 138.611,25 \: J}[/tex]

Detail Soal :

Kelas : 10

Mata Pelajaran : Fisika

Materi : Bab 8 - Usaha dan Energi

Kata Kunci : Energi kinetik; satuan SI

Kode Kategorisasi : 10.6.8

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut : Rumus dimensi dari energi yang dimaksud satuan SI sistem MKS dan CGS ? harus menggunakan satuan baku pada proses pengukuran ?

11. Convert the following units all into grams.-------------------------------3 lbs7 oz5 pennyweight8 tonnes12.5 grains (gr)10 carat25 troy ounces

mengkonversi unit berikut semua menjadi gram..

3 lbs=1360,77 grams
7 oz =28,38 grams
5 pennyweight=7,776 grams.
8 ton =8000000 grams
12,5 grains=1,199 grams
10 carat=2 grams
25 troy ounces=777,587

Semoga membantu☺☺

12. tuliskan tiga hak. terhadap lingkungan , please jawab supaya lbs ku cepat selesai ​

jawaban:mendapatkan oksigen,air, cahaya matahari,hewan,tumbuhan,buah

maaf atas kekurangan

13. kapan berdirinya Lembaga Budaya Sunda ( LBS )

berdirinya tahun 1987
berdiri pada tahun 1978

14. 30 lbs berapa kilo gram?

30 lbs = ... kg
30 lbs setara dengan 13,64 kg

Maaf kalo salah...

15. terbuat dari bahan yang mampu menahan setidaknya 150 lbs daya dari arah manapun. apa kepanjangan dr lbs?

kepanjangan dari lbs adalah location based services
Location based services,

16. kak tolong bantuin jawab dong LBD artinya luas bangun datar LBS artinya luas bangun semuanya

LBD itu biasanya hanya luas untuk 1 bangun datar
LBS itu biasanya untuk luas bangun datar gabungan

17. apa kekurangan dan kelebihan LBS

LBS mempunyai kelebihan sbb:
- tetap berfungsi bila berada di dalam gedung
- impact interferensi medan elektromagnetik yang lain tidak terlalu besar

Kekurangan LBS sbb:
- coverage sangat bergantung pada coverage selular

18. Sebuah balok terbuat dari beton dengan panjang 1 m, lebar 0,5 m dan tinggi 2 m. Jika berat jenis material balok = 7850 kg/m³, jika 1 lbs sama dengan 0,46 Kg berapakah beratnya?.


3611 lbs

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

berat=volume balok x berat jenis

[tex]x = (1 \times 0.5 \times 2) \times 7850 \\ x = 1 \times 7850 \\ x = 7850kg \\ x = 7850 \times 0.46 \\ x = 3611 \: lbs[/tex]


17.065,22 lbs

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

P = m/v => m = P × v

P= massa jenis, V= Volume benda

Karna bendanya balok: V= P × L × T

= 1×0,5×2= 1 m³

Maka m = 7850 × 1 = 7850 Kg = 7850/0,46 lbs

= 17.065,22 lbs

19. Jelaskan/sebutkan 1 lbs berapa kg


1 lbs/1 pound=0,454 kg

20. Berapakah atom karbon yang terdapat dalam 10 lbs gula, C12H22O11? (1 lbs = 0,454 kg) ???​


massa atom karbon = 1,91134 kg


1 lbs = 0,454 kg

10 lbs = 4,54 kg


jumlah atom karbon = 12

Ar C = 12

Ar H = 1

Ar O = 16

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 × Ar C) + (22 × Ar H) + (11 × Ar O)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 x 12) + (22 + 1) + (11 x 16)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 144 + 22 + 176

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 342

massa C = [tex]\frac{jumlah~atom~C~x~Ar~C}{Mr~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}}~x~massa~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}[/tex]

massa C = [tex]\frac{12~x~12}{342} ~x~4,54[/tex]

massa C = 0,421 x 4,54

massa C = 1,91134 kg

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang

Kadar unsur dalam senyawa Kadar senyawa


19 7 Celsius To Fahrenheit

19 7 Celsius To Fahrenheit

Introduction to Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit

What is Celsius?

Celsius, or centigrade, is a temperature scale based on 0° for the freezing point of water and 100° for the boiling point of water. It was created by Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius in 1742.

What is Fahrenheit?

Fahrenheit is a temperature scale based on 32° for the freezing point of water and 212° for the boiling point of water. It was created by German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724.

Conversion Formula

To convert a temperature in Celsius (°C) to Fahrenheit (°F), just multiply by 9/5 and then add 32.

Example: 19°C × 9/5 + 32 = 66.2°F

In conclusion, 19°C is equal to 66.2°F when using the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. kak jawab, aku agak bingung0 Celsius = 32 Fahrenheitjadi, kalo 0 Celsius + 0 Celsius =.... Fahrenheitjadi berapa kak?apakah 64 Fahrenheit?​

titik tetap bawah celcius adalah 0⁰C

titil tetap bawah fahrenheit adalah 32⁰F

maka 0⁰C = 32⁰F

0⁰C + 0⁰C = 32⁰F + 32⁰F = 64⁰F

2. 25 celsius berapa fahrenheit

= 9/5 * 25 + 32
= 45 + 32
= 77°F= 9/5 x 25 + 32
= 45 + 32
= 77 °F

3. Celsius=20,berapakah Fahrenheitnya

c:r:f =5:4:9
4/5×20=16derajat R
moga bantu.......

4. 288 Fahrenheit ke Celsius ​


108,889 °C


(228 °F − 32) × 5/9 = 108,889 °C

5. 40° Celsius =............. Fahrenheit

T F = 9/5 ×T C +32
    =104 F
40 celcius=104 fahrenheit

6. Pada suhu apa Celsius dan Fahrenheit sama?

suhu celcius dan fahrenheit sama pada suhu -40.
-40°C = .... °F
= -40 × 9/5 + 32
= -72 + 32
= -40°F

pembuktian lebih bisa menggunakan persamaan umum dalam penentuan suhu berdasarkan titik tetap atas dan titik tetap bawah 2 skala suhu yang berbeda.

7. Fahrenheit, Reamur, dan Celsius adalah?

satuan ukuran suhu
mungkin lo yasuhu/temperatur

moga berguna☆☆

8. Diantara satuan termometer Celsius, Reamur, Kelvin danfahrenheit, yang memiliki nilai skala sama adalah ....A. Celsius-ReamurB. Reamur-KelvinC. Celsius-KelvinD. Fahrenheit- Celsius​


yang C. Celcius - Kelvin

9. Rumus mengubah Fahrenheit ke celsius dan sebaliknya

F = (9/5 x C) + 32

F = nilai dari satuan derajat Fahrenheit
C = nilai dari satuan derajat Celsius

C = 5/9 x (F - 32)Caranya:

Celcius (C) ke Fahrenheit (F)

F = (9/5) C + 32

Fahrenheit (F) ke Celcius (C)

C = 5/9 (F-32)

10. 76°reamur=........celsius=........fahrenheit


Rumus : C = 5 ; R = 4 ; F = 9 + 32
Reamur : 76 = 76 ÷ 4 = 19°R
Celcius = 19 × 5 = 95°C
Fahrenheit = 19 × 9 + 32 = 171 + 32 = 203°F

11. Cara penulisan persamaan untuk mengkonversi suhu dalam derajat celsius ke derajat fahrenheit dan derajat fahrenheit ke derajat celsius?

celcius - fahrenheit = 5/9 × (x+32)
fahrenheit -celcius = 9/5 × (x-32)

12. 22 derajat Fahrenheit - ... Celsius

[tex] \sf Tc = \frac{5}{9} Tf+ 32[/tex]

[tex] \sf = \frac{5}{9} (22) + 32[/tex]

[tex] \sf = 13+ 32[/tex]

[tex] \sf =45 {}^{0} c[/tex]

13. tentukan 49° celsius = ..... ° Fahrenheit​


setelah ditentukan: 120,2 °Farenheit

14. Celsius=..... Reamur=..... Fahrenheit=113°

113° - 32 = 81
[tex]c = \frac{5}{9} \times 81 \\ =45[/tex]
[tex]r = \frac{4}{9} \times 81 \\ = 36[/tex]
Jadi, C = 45°
R = 36

15. 25 celsius berapa fahrenheit

25 derajat celcius=77 derajat fahrenheit

16. 60 fahrenheit samadgn .... celsius

C=5/9 ( f-32)

= 5/9 ( 60-32)

= 5/9.28

= 15,556

17. berapa?celsius dari 95 derajat Fahrenheit

perbandingan R : C : F = 4 : 5 : 9(+32)

dari F ke C ... (95-32) * 5/9= 35 C95°F = ...°C?
= 5/9× (95-32)
= 5/9×63
= 7×5
= 35°C

18. 90 Celsius berapa fahrenheit​


194 Fahrenheit.........



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

follow aku yaa

19. 180° Fahrenheit=............. °celsius

180:5per9-32=100-32=68 T C=5/9(T F-32)
     =82,2 C

20. Fahrenheit, Celsius, kelvin, Reamur​

Fahrenheit : skala suhu selain Celsius dan Kelvin.

Celsius : skala suhu yang didesain supaya titik beku air berada pada 0 derajat dan titik didih pada 100 derajat di tekanan atmosferik standar.

Kelvin : skala suhu di mana nol absolut didefinisikan sebagai 0 K.

Reamur :  skala temperatur yang dinamai menurut René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, yang pertama mengusulkannya pada 1731.




Skala Fahrenheit adalah salah satu skala suhu selain Celsius dan Kelvin. Nama Fahrenheit diambil dari ilmuwan Jerman yang bernama Gabriel Fahrenheit. Skala ini dikemukakan pada tahun 1724. Dalam skala ini, titik beku air adalah 32 derajat Fahrenheit dan titik didih air adalah 212 derajat Fahrenheit.

Skala Celsius adalah suatu skala suhu yang didesain supaya titik beku air berada pada 0 derajat dan titik didih pada 100 derajat di tekanan atmosferik standar. Skala ini mendapat namanya dari ahli astronomi Anders Celsius, yang pertama kali mengusulkannya pada tahun 1742

Skala Kelvin adalah skala suhu di mana nol absolut didefinisikan sebagai 0 K. Satuan untuk skala Kelvin adalah kelvin, dan merupakan salah satu dari tujuh unit dasar SI

Skala Réaumur adalah skala temperatur yang dinamai menurut René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, yang pertama mengusulkannya pada 1731. Titik beku air adalah 0 derajat Réaumur, titik didih air 80 derajat. Jadi, satu derajat Réaumur sama dengan 1,25 derajat Celsius atau 274,25 kelvin

maaf klu salah ya