Is 2 Greater Than 1

Is 2 Greater Than 1

Is 2 Greater Than 1?


The answer to the question "Is 2 greater than 1?" is a simple yes. This is because 2 is a larger number than 1 and can be expressed mathematically as 2 > 1.

Mathematical Representation of the Answer

The mathematical expression of the answer to this question is 2 > 1. This expression uses the greater than symbol (>) to show that 2 is greater than 1. This can be written in a number of ways, including 2 > 1, 2 > 1, 2 > 1, or 2 > 1.

Understanding the Answer

Understanding the answer to this question is simple. As 2 is a larger number than 1, it is greater than 1. This can be seen when looking at a number line, where 2 is to the right of 1.

Real World Examples

This answer can be seen in many real world scenarios. For example, if you had two apples and one apple, the two apples would be greater than the one apple. The same applies to other objects, such as two books being greater than one book.


In conclusion, the answer to the question "Is 2 greater than 1?" is a simple yes. This is because 2 is a larger number than 1 and can be expressed mathematically as 2 > 1.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. is 30.30 greater than 30.03

Yes, "30.30" is greater than "30.03"

----Jika diterjemah----
Apakah 30.30 lebih besar daripada 30.03?


2. A numner greater than 1/8 but les than 1/7 is

sebuah nomer yg lebih besar dari 1/8 tetapi lebih kecil dari 1/7 adalah

3. find a number greater than 1/8 but less than 1/7 is​

Trivial solution , 0.13 = 13/100

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
1/8 = 0.125
1/7 = 0.142857... ≈ 0.14

Therefore, let take 0.13 because that number is between 1/8 and 1/7.

0.13 = 13/100

Disclaimer : The are infinitely many solutions to this question..I am taking the easiest one(trivial solution).

4. An obtuse angle is one whose measures is greater than.........but less than.....​


An obtuse angle is one whose measures is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

(*maaf kalau salah*)


An obtuse angle is one whose measures is greater than 90° but less than 180°


terjemahan : Sudut tumpul adalah sudut yang ukurannya lebih besar dari ... tetapi kurang dari ...

jawaban yg tepat adalah greater than 90° but less than 180°

(ukurannya lebih besar dari 90° tetapi kurang dari 180°)

semangat ya belajarnya, semoga membantu :)

5. the smallest deed is greater than the grandest intention

Perbuatan terkecil lebih bermakna dari niat yang termulia.

6. 16. The correct comparison sentence at the following angle is ... *ا ا اTandai satu oval saja.angle A is greater than 90 degreesangle B is smaller than 90 degreesangle C is greater than 90 degreesangle D is smaller than 90 degrees​

Jawaban: Angle D is smaller than 90 degrees

Maaf jika jawaban salah

Terima kasih

7. Which fraction is greater than 3/4? a. 1/3 b. 2/5 c. 4/5 d. 1/4

jawaban ny


jawaban nya c.4/5

C. 4/5
maaf klo salah^^ semoga kebantu

8. When numerator is greater thandenominator it is calledcalled as improper ...​


improper fraction

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

A fraction with a numerator that is greater than or equal to the denominator is known as an improper fraction. It represents a number greater than or equal to one. Numbers that are not whole numbers, but are greater than one, can be written as improper fractions or mixed numbers

note : hi this is dewi, i'm sorry if there are any error in answering this question. thanks and please MAKE IT AS BRAINLEST ANSWER ^^



Pecahan dengan pembilang yang lebih besar dari atau sama dengan penyebut disebut pecahan biasa. Ini mewakili angka yang lebih besar dari atau sama dengan satu. Bilangan yang bukan bilangan bulat, tetapi lebih besar dari satu, dapat ditulis sebagai pecahan biasa atau bilangan campuran.


A fraction with a numerator that is greater than or equal to the denominator is known as an improper fraction. It represents a number greater than or equal to one. Numbers that are not whole numbers, but are greater than one, can be written as improper fractions or mixed numbers.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Maaf yha kalau salah, semoga membantu

9. apa arti the smallest deed is greater than the grandest intention dalam bahasa indonesia

Perbuatan terkecil lebih bagus daripada niat yang terbesarakta terkecil lebih besar dari niat megah
Semoga membantu

10. find a number greater than 0,3 but less than 1/2​


11. 2078 is greater than 1982. * True or false


The sentences is true, cause 2078 lebih besar dari 1982

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


12. Fifty is less than porty (tree / pal se) sever is greater or equal to seven (trave / False) twenty is greater than fifteen (true (faise) than ten (tree /False) twelve is greater than ten than one thousand and two is less one thousand and one (true / False)tolong jawab dong ini soal ya​


1. true

2. true

3. true

4. true

5. false


sorry if I'm wrong

13. find a number greater than 1/5 but less than 1/4

1/5 = 8/40
1/4 = 10/40

x (a number that greater than 1/5 but less than 1/4) = 9/40dgn menggunakan KPK, samakan penyebut kedua pecahan:

4/20, 5/20

masih belum ketemu, kalikan 2/2

8/40, 10/40

bilangan tersebut adalah 9/40

14. find a number greater than 1/8 but less than 1/7 istolong bantuannya​



Semoga membantu

15. is greater than or equal to dalam custom autofilter mempunyai tujuan

mensortir nilai data terbesar ke terkecil

16. The sum of two numbers is 51. The greater number is twice the smaller number. The smaller number is greater than 15 but smaller than 20. Find the product of the two numbers.

51 : 3 = 17

17 x 2 = 34

17 & 34


17 & 34

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bilangan A & B

A = 2B

A < 20

A + B = 51

51 = A + B

51 = 2B + B

51 = 3B

B = 51 ÷ 3

B = 17

A = 2B

A = 2(17)

A = 34

17. er than to28so zis greater than3 23.8greatest75 Arrange the fractions in order, beginning with thea greatest ?zosb smallest: 7Tz12ola10 is greater than 24So, is greater than jawaban nya adalah​


inilah aot

semuanya mayat

dhlah lanjutin :v

18. Write any fraction that is greater than 1/2. (Write at least 3 fractions)

a. 3/4
b. 4/5
c. 7/8
mark as the brainliest answer if im correct thanks :)

19. find a number greater than 1/4 but les than 1/3​


i think it is from 1/3,1 until 1/3,9

20. the musikal note ti (7) is more strident than re (2). this is because note ti (7) has... a. greater period b. higher frequency c. greater amplitude d. greater speed travel tolong yaa:))

jawabnya B. higher frequency.. heheh CMIIWThe musikal note ti (7) is more strident than re (2). this is because note ti (7) has...b. higher frequency 
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