Whats 30 Of 2500

Whats 30 Of 2500

What is 30% of 2500?

Calculating 30% of 2500

Step 1: Convert 30% to a Decimal

30% can be written as a decimal by dividing 30 by 100, or moving the decimal point two spaces to the left. 30% = 0.30

Step 2: Multiply the Decimal by 2500

Now that we have our decimal, we can use it to calculate 30% of 2500 by multiplying 0.30 by 2500. 0.30 x 2500 = 750
Answer: 30% of 2500 is 750
Therefore, 30% of 2500 is 750.

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Questions and Answers:

1. whats name of the3rd president of america


Thomas Jefferson.

*semoga membantu


Name of the 3rd President of amerika is Thomasjeferson

2. 1.Whats the palacio de sal 2.whats ITS Made of


yes i do Yo do look karelgul

3. whats name of the3rd president of america


Thomas Jefferson


maaf kalau salah

Presiden ketiga : Thomas Jefferson ( 1801 - 1809 )

4. whats story of caitlin halderman

mksdnya apa?ak ga phm maaf yaCaitlin Halderman as a child was attending model school. But the activity was stopped because of lazy get up early. Continue, he was trying to plunge into the world of drag votes.
But again, he decided to vacuum from singing activities. Suddenly he met his old friend who then invited to casting.
"New this year, directly invited casting the film," the story of the virgin birth of July 17, 2000 it.
He told me at first had never had the intention to play a movie. Feeling unable to act, fear and again laziness became the main reason at the time.
He then kills the laziness to come to the set. Although groggy because it was the first time filming and became the main character.
"I was initially hesitant, I can not, thankfully the director was relaxed, cooperative, initially wanted to say one week after casting, but suddenly told to read," he said.
Movie stars 'Ada Cinta in SMA' is claimed to never learn to act. He taught himself directly on the set.
"I was asked to watch to deepen the character.Long-long can, especially yesterday fortunately play the same CJR, so cooperative and disconnected," he said.
After completing a movie title, the virgin Dadang Padang and the Dutch were admitted addicted. Whereas before, he had become a commercial and even video clips.
"Ad already there are three, it was tired shoot all day and bored because it's just own.If the movie a lot of people can be invited to chat, joking.That's why I'm advertising easy mood bad

5. whats the meaning of brave​

Jawaban: Berani

Penjelasan: Just remember the letter in front of it 'B' then u can easy to remember it

Im sorry if Im false

I hope it will usefull

6. whats the meaning of psycopath??

a person with an antisocial personality disorder.
maaf kalau salahPsychopaths are people who like to kill viciously, they don't look at reeds to kill their victims

maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu

7. whats the meaning of bug?

the meaning of bug is kutu.
in bahasa indonesia the meaning of bug is kumbang

8. whats the meaning of "vfx" ?

its a visual effect


Video or visual effect

9. Whats the meaning of chromatic?

Chromatic aberration in optics is the effect produced by light dispersion when there is a failure of the lens to direct all color waves to the same focus point. This happens because the lens has a different refractive index for different wavelengths of light

10. whats the meaning of gerund

Gerunds are nouns that are derived from verbs. In English this is done by adding the ending -ing to verbs (e.g. swimming, killing). A gerund can act as either subject or object of a sentence.

Everything has a beginning and an end. Life is just a cycle of starts and stops. There are ends we don't desire, but they're inevitable, we have to face them. It's what being human is all about. ~ Jet Black

11. whats the definition of forms? ​


it's like a "formulir"

12. whats the meaning of barista?

Barista is the person who makes coffe in cafebarista is someone who make and serve coffee to the customer

13. Whats the meaning of "vfx" ?

its a video or visual effects

its a visual effect

correct me if im wrong

14. Whats the language focus of text?

Language focus usually to describe the time of the event or accident, it can be help to make the differences between each of the text.

15. Whats the defenition of reservation

according to wikipedia reservation is an act to reserving something

16. whats the effect of flood

1. The flood can demage infrastructure
2. Flood decided transportation lines
3. Flooding may result in power auteges
4. Flood interfere with daily actvities

17. whats the meaning of CEO?

CEO is chief executive officerMenurut English Dictionary yang saya temukan, CEO adalah :

abbreviation for chief executive officer : the person with the most important position in a company

18. whats the meaning of ``cause``​

the reason why something, especially something bad, happens, example of the sentences :

The police are still trying to establish the cause of the fire.

She had died of natural causes.

I wouldn't tell you without (good) cause (= if there was not a (good) reason).

I believe we have/there is just cause (= a fair reason) for taking this action

we pronounce 'cause' like :

\ ˈkȯz  \

Definition of cause

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1a: a reason for an action or condition : MOTIVE

b: something that brings about an effect or a resulttrying to find the cause of the accident

c: a person or thing that is the occasion of an action or statea cause for celebrationespecially : an agent that brings something aboutShe is the cause of your troubles.

d: sufficient reasondischarged for cause

2a: a ground of legal action

b: CASEThey are paid by the cause for their expert opinions.

3: a matter or question to be decidedThe city council is involved with school department causes.

4a: a principle or movement militantly defended or supportedthe insurgents' cause

b: a charitable undertakingfor a good cause



caused; causing

Definition of cause (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1: to serve as a cause or occasion ofcause an accident

2: to compel by command, authority, or forcecaused him to resign

that's all i know

hope it may helps u a lot :)


whats the meaning of "cause"


apa arti dari "penyebab"

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Penyebab adalah yang menyebabkan. Penyebab berasal dari kata dasar sebab. ... Penyebab memiliki arti dalam kelas nomina atau kata benda sehingga penyebab dapat menyatakan nama dari seseorang, tempat, atau semua benda dan segala yang dibendakan.

19. whats the meaning of 'hesitation' ?

hesitation artinya keraguan

20. Whats capitalism Of Brunei darusalam?​


the capitalism of brunei darussalam is bandar sri begawan

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