Brainstem Lesion Practice Questions

Brainstem Lesion Practice Questions

Brainstem lesions are a type of injury that affects the lower portion of the brainstem, which is responsible for many basic functions. Symptoms of a brainstem lesion can include difficulties with balance, vision, breathing, and speech. **What is the purpose of Brainstem Lesion Practice Questions?** The purpose of Brainstem Lesion Practice Questions is to help healthcare professionals better understand the symptoms, causes, and treatments associated with this type of injury, as well as provide a better understanding of the anatomy of the brainstem.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Practice the dialogue and answer the questions

1) Sindhu, ponco
2) they would like to go on a trip together
3) tiogomanik forest, kemadohbatur village, Tewangharjo district,grogoban regency
4) 10.00 or ten o'clock in the morning
5) In grogoban regency

Selamat mengerjakan, ^-^)/

2. Answer of practice 4 answer following questions based on the text in practice 1

Choice C is the best answer. In lines 10-13, the narrator explains that “the machinery of [his] destiny has worked in secret” to prepare him for this journey, as “its clockwork” has propelled him to “this time and place.” By using the phrases “the machinery” and “its clockwork,” the narrator is show- ing that powerful and independent forces are causing him to journey to the North Pole.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not indicate the main purpose of lines 10-13. While lines 10-13 mention that these powerful and independent forces have been working “for years, for a lifetime” to convince the narrator to journey to the North Pole, they do not expose a hidden side of the narrator, demonstrate the narrator’s manner, or explain the amount of time the narrator has spent preparing for his expedition.

Maaf ya kalau salah Semoga membantu

3. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions !​

mana dialognya jubaedah


Artinya praktikkan dialog tersebut! Kemudian menjawab pertanyaan

Nah pertanyaan nya kamu isi karna kamu tidak menunjukan pertanyaan nya

Terimakasih semoga membantu:)

4. complete and practice. write down the questions and practice the conversation with your friend. they you may change the answer with your own. tlg

1. Question: What did you do today?

2. What did ypu do this evening?

3. Who were you having a picnic with?

4. Kurang jelas tulisannya

5. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions !​

1) Because rini not cross at the zebra cross.

6. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions! ​


1 because rini is going to cross the road in a very dangerous situation

2 That she should cross the road in the zebra cross

3 yes rini understand it now

7. Bahasa indonesia dari practice the dialog then answer the questions about it verbally​


latihan melakukan dialog tersebut lalu jawab pertanyaannya secara verbally

8. Tentukan persamaan kuadrat yang mempunyai akar akar penye lesion 5 Dan -2 adalah. ...

jawaban saya adalah 5 dan 2 itu sama dengan jawaban saya 

menggunakan rumus perkalian faktor
misalkan X1=-2 dan x2= 5
(x - (-2)) (x - 5)
(x + 2)(x - 5)=0
X² - 5x + 2x - 10 = 0
x² - 3x - 10 = 0

9. task 2 practice the dialogue with your patner and answer the questions

A : Hi, Rika! How are you today?

B : I'm fine. And you?

A : I'm fine too. Thank you.

B : You have already done with your task?

A : Yes of course. And how abot you?

B : Yeah.. It's too dificult for me. But I've try my best.

10. practice the dialogue below then answer the questions about it!1-10

2. Playing a song
6. Good lyrics and the music is nice to listen
7. Their songs are performed in a full band but they are just two
8. Banda 's instead
10. After school in Reni's house at 4 o'clock

Maaf ya cuma ini saja
Semoga memuaskan ..

11. Practice the dialog below in pairs then answer the questions

1. Anas usually goes to bed at 10
2. Anas usually gets up at 5
3. He gets a morning prayer and take a bath
4. He gets breakfast at half past seven1. Anas usually goes to bed at 10. 2. Anas usually gets up at 5. 3. He gets a morning prayer and takes a bath. 4. He gets breakfast at half past seven. (pada simple present: he + verb with es/s)

12. Practice A Put the words in brackets () in the right order to make questions.​



•where do you live?

1) when do you get up?

2) where does she comes from?

3) when are they leaving?

4) why is he waiting?

5) how are you?

6) how did you get to scotland?

7) where is the town centre?

8) why does paul drives so fast?

9) when does the film starts?

10) how will you travel?

11) why is she running

12) where did you buy that picture?



•dimana kamu tinggal?

1) kapan kamu bangun?

2) dari mana dia berasal?

3) kapan mereka pergi?

4) mengapa dia menunggu?

5) apa kabar?

6) bagaimana Anda sampai ke skotlandia?

7) di mana pusat kota?

8) mengapa paul mengemudi begitu cepat?

9) kapan filmnya dimulai?

10) bagaimana Anda akan bepergian?

11) mengapa dia berlari?

English:sorry if it's wrong and sent late and changed just ok thank you for allowing me to answer and get coins ok I'm still a beginner so I can't rush ok bye :)

indo:maaf kalau salah dan telat dikirim dan diganti ok terima kasih sudah mengizinkan saya menjawab dan mendapatkan koin ok saya masih pemula jadi saya tidak bisa terburu-buru ok dah :)

13. Telling time practice questions!mohon dijawab soal dibawah ya!terimakasih​


semoga membantu


1. it is twenty to three

2. it is half to eight

3. it is ten to six

4. it is half past ten

5. it is twenty past six

6. it is twenty to Twelve

7. it is ten to ten

8. it is three o'clock


it is twenty past twelve

14. practice write yes/no questions use the example as the model

1.Is bunda rita is a popular singer(yes)
2.Is justin bieber is apopular singer(yes)
3.Is jokowidodo is a singer(no) obama is apopular singer(no) one direction is a popular band(yes)

15. answer the followings questions based on the text in practice 3

Tidak ada teks nya!

16. Question task 2 Practice the dialogue then answer the questions about it

4.temple electronics store
5.because Nina want to buy a fan with her mother

17. QUESTIONS Rearrange the words in italics. then,practice the conversations with your patner!tolong jawab lengkap

1. that small brown one?
2.its a small cylindrical yellow pencil case
3.who is that beautiful young girl?
4.have you seen my long wooden blue pencil? (sepertinya)

maaf kalau salah...

18. answer the questions based on the dialogue in practice​


1. Alvin is twelve years old

2. Jason is thirteen years old

3. Alvin was born in 2002 in Makassar

4. Jason was born in 2001 in Jakarta

5. Alvin is younger than Jason


1. twelve years old

2.thirteen years old

3.he was born in 2002 in Makassar

4. he was born in 2001 in jakarta


19. Read and practice the following dialogue! Then answer the questions!


1)about ryan

2)in emma' s opinion is ryan get to school again so that he get a good education for his future

and carlos opinion is ryan is need to get work,carlos think money it's what ryan need.

3)he can work while studying

4)it's very important for the future

5)like arguing but not rude


maaf kalau salah

20. practice this following questions answer and then change with your own sentence terjemah kan​


jawaban pertanyaan berikut ini dan ubah dengan kalimat Anda sendiri



latih jawaban pertanyaan berikut ini dan ubah dengan kalimat Anda sendiri

ini jawabannya yah udah jangan nangis (:

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