19 30 In 12 Hour Time

19 30 In 12 Hour Time

19:30 in 12 hour time is 7:30 PM.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Sped=50km/hour Time=1 hour 30 minute Distance=?


75 km.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Time = 1 hour 30 minute = 1,5 hour

Sped = 50 km/hour

Distance = Time x Sped

= 1,5 x 50

= 75 km


75 km

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Distance = Speed x time

= speed x time

= 50 km/hour x 1 hour 30 minute

note : 1 hour 30 minute = 1 hour 30/60 = 1 1/2 hour


= speed x time

= 50 km/hour x 1 1/2 hour

= 50 km/hour x 3/2 hour

= 75 km


distance = 75 km

2. Write the time using either the 12 hour or 24 hour clocks

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

things to do every day

such as learning activities, eating, and others

3. Terjemahan dari last week, at this time, next week, an hour ago, now, in an hour

last week= Minggu lalu
at this time=pada waktu ini
next week=Minggu depan
an hour ago=se jam yg lalu
in a hour=dalam satu jamlast week: minggu lalu
at this time : pada saat ini
next week : minggu depan
an hour ago :sebuah jam yang lalu
now :sekarang
in a hour : dalam satu jam
#smoga membantu#

4. boarding time, one, baggage, please, before, check in,hour, before, your. tolong susun kalimaat itu plisss

please check in your baggage one hour before boarding time.Please check in your baggage one hour before boarding time.

5. It's not a break time you should be studying in the class at this hour


ini bukan waktunya istirahat, kamu harus belajar di dalam kelas sekarang juga

It's not a break time you should be studying in the class at this hour.


Ini bukan waktu istirahat Anda harus belajar di kelas pada jam ini.

6. Jawab:• Match the 24-hour time writing system on the left column with the correct 12-hour time writing system on the right column.​


03.30 pm - 15.30

04.07 am - 04.07

0.45 am - 00.45

11.00 pm - 23.00

08.45 am - 08.45

08.09 pm - 20.09

08.34 am - 08.34

11.59 am - 11.59

00.00 am - 24.00

4.30 pm - 16.30

7. jelaskan perbedaan antara clock, time,dan hour.

clock dipakai untuk menunjukkan waktu sekarang misalx: 07.00 o'clock
time dipakai untuk waktu yang tidak dapat di definisikan misalx: spare time
hour  dipakai untuk waktu yang telah lampau misalx : 1 hour ago

8. a motorcycle passes 40 km in 30 minutes. Its average velocity isA.30km/hourB.40km/hourC.70km/hourD.80km/hourpliss tlng dijawab butuh bngt!​


Jarak = 40 Km

Waktu = 30 Menit

Kecepatan = .... Km/Jam






9. Please check in your baggage one hour before boarding time Where do yo find the caution

I can find it in the airport.....

Semoga Membantu ^_^

10. A baker makes 18 cakes in a 12-hour day. how many doe sit make in a 60-hour week?

The baker will make 90 cakes in 60-hour

18:12 hour
18 *5 :12*5
90 cakes in 60 hour

11. your-before-time-please-baggage-hour-check-boanding-in-one.

please check your baggage in one hour before boanding*please check your baggage in one hour before boanding

boanding mksdnya boarding kah (?)

12. A baker makes 18 cakes in a 12-hour day. How many does she make in a 60-hour a week?

18 x 5 = 90..........................

13. Say the time in Quarter half and hourExample 11.45: It's Quarter to twelve1. 05.45 :2. 12.15 :3. 01. 30 : 4. 07.30 :Say the time in minutes and hourExample :11.12 : It's eleven past eleven1. 05.45 :2. 12.15 :3. 01.30 :4. 07.30Di mohon lengkap ya ;)​


saythe timeinquarter, half,andhour

1.) 05.45 : it's quarter to six (¼menuju pukul6)

2.) 12.15: it's quarter past twelve (pukul 12 lebih ¼)

3.) 01. 30 : it's half past one (jam 1 lebih ½)

4.) 07.30 : it's half past seven (jam7 lebih ½)

note ¼dan½ disini dalam hitungan jam ya

¼jam = 15 menit

½jam = 30 menit

say the time in minutes and hour

05.45 :it's fifteen to six12.15 :it's fifteen past twelve01.30 :it's thirty to two atau it's thirty past one07.30 : it's thirty to eight atauit'sthirty past seven

semoga membantu:)

14. a) What time is on the clock? b) What time will it be in 3 hours? c) What time was it 1 hour and 20 minutes ago? d) What time will it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes? a) What time is on the clock? b) What time will it be in 5 hours? c) What time was it 3 hour and 30 minutes ago? d) What time will it be in 1 hours and 50 minutes?

8.00 a clock

karna itu jam 8


Maaf kalo salah

15. F. Answer the following questions.(8:00) a) What time is on the clock?b) What time will it be in 3 hours? c) What time was it 1 hour and 20 minutes ago?d) What time will it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes?(9:20) a) What time is on the clock? b) What time will it be in 5 hours? c) What time was it 3 hour and 30 minutes ago? d) What time will it be in 1 hours and 50 minutes?makasi banyak yg udah jawabb tolong bgt dikumpulin besok​



a) 08.00

b) 11.00

c) 06.40


a) 09.20

b) 14.20

c) .... ?

d) ... ?


semoga bermanfaat!

16. what is the information of 12-hour and 24-hour notation,time lines

12 hour time means that our time is measured and say with a.m and p.m. It is start  from 1 a.m - 12 a.m and 1 p.m till 12 p.m.
24 hour time means that our time is measured till the number 24.00/00.00

Semoga bermanfaat:)

17. Then, cook in oven 30 minutes to an hour


soal nya di mana , klo gaada soal ga bisa jawab?


soalnya mana yg jelas ya pertanyaan nya

18. 1.what time wil be in 3 hours and 10 minutes 2.what time was it 2 hours 40 minutes 3.what time will be in 5 hours 4.what time will it 2 hours 5.what time wa it 1 hour and 30 minutes a go?

1. it will be 12:10

2. it was 6:20

3. it will be 14:00

4. It will be 11:00

5. it was 7:30

19. 12. ....... hour is a long time to answer this questions​


hope this helps


20. 1.What time is shown on the clock?2.What time will it be in 3 hours?3.What time was it an hour and 20 minutes ago?4What time will it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes?5.What time is shown on the clock?6.What time will it be in 5 hours?7.What time was it 3 hour and 30 minutes ago?8.What time will it be in an hour and 50 minutes?​


Figure 1

1. It's 03.09 a.m. (nine past three)

2. It's 06.09 a.m. (nine past six)

3. It's 01.49 a.m. (eleven to two)

4. It's 07.49 a.m. (eleven to eight)

Figure 2

5. It's 08.22 a.m. (twenty two past eight)

6. It's 13.22 p.m. (twenty two past one)

7. It's 04.52 a.m. (eight to five)

8. It's 10.12 a.m. (twelve past ten)

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