The Hate You Give Book Pdf

The Hate You Give Book Pdf

The Hate You Give Book Pdf is a New York Times Bestseller by Angie Thomas. It tells the story of Starr Carter, a 16-year-old African American girl who witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood friend by a police officer. The novel follows Starr's journey of understanding and responding to her friend's death and the rage and activism that follows. The book has been praised for its timely and honest portrayal of the Black Lives Matter movement and for its exploration of racism, police brutality and socioeconomic inequality. **Question: What is the main theme of the book?** The main theme of the book is the struggle of African Americans against systemic racism and police brutality. It explores how racism and violence can shape the lives of young people and how individuals can take action to bring about change.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. informasi apa yang kamu dapat dari video The Hate You Give​


BertahanPercaya diriSelalulah Bahagia

Maaf kalau salah:)

2. kesimpulan dari video The Hate You Give​


menuliskan 5 sikap bersatu di lingkungan Rumah

3. Sure. Give me the book Please.Book? What Book do you? ​


Math?Sure,Here It Is...

4. read the book I give to you last week?​




Did you read the book i give to you last week?

Maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu :)


are you crezi

maaf kalo salah

5. Will you please give ... this book to the library?

bisa diisi dg adverb.
will you please give immediately this book to the library?

Will you please give immediately this book to the library?

6. the book-help-you-could-please-?-give-me-to-Mr.hilman​


could you please help me cary the book to Mr hilman?

✿ Semoga Membantu ✿

7. I want the book Can you give it to...?​

Jawaban: i want the book can you give it to me?


8. give him... book on the table behind you please

bisa A bisa juga that soalnya sedikit kurang jelasgive him a book on the table beside you please

9. Do you bring the book... I give it to you yesterday?

Maaf klo salah mengerti

10. …..will you return my book ?(give the suitable "" wh- "" questions.




karena kemungkinan atau kebanyakan menanyakan kapan.

maaf kalau salah

11. The book - help - you - could - please ?- Give - me - yo - mr hilman


mr ilham could you give the book to me please?

12. Mr li:can you give me the book? Cici:........,here you are

Jawaban: yes, i can


13. the book-help-you-could-please-?-give-me-tO-mr helmo

Jawaban:Could you give me the book to Mr. Helmo please?


14. you don't give the book to me (+) (-)(?)​

(+) You give the book to me

(?) Do you give the book to me?

(+) = Positive

(-) = Negative

(?) = Interogative


15. Apa B. Inggris nya Can you give me the book please?


bisakah kau berikan buku nya kepada ku?


Bisa Kau Berikan Bukunya?


Maaf Kalau Salah

16. The book-help-you-could-please-?-give-me-to-mr.hilman


could you please help me give the book to mr.hilman?


Semoga Membantu

17. The book-help-you-could-please-?-give-me-to-mrhelmo


"Could you help me give the book to mr helmo please?


Maaf Kalau Salah

Semoga Membantu

18. mr.ji :can you give me the book ?lili :.....?here you are​


Lili:Ok here you are


Hope this can Usefull for you


mr.ji: can you give me the book ?

lili: thisbook? here you are


semoga membantu^^

19. I give this book to you. Now the book is...


I give this book to you. Now the book is yours.


Soal terkait possessive pronouns (kata ganti kepemilikan)


Possessive pronouns merupakan kata ganti yang menunjukkan kepemilikan atas sesuatu. Berbeda seperti possessive adjectives yang mengikuti kata benda (noun), possessive pronouns tidak perlu mengikuti kata benda. Possessive pronouns meliputi:

                               Subject Pronouns         Possessive Pronouns

1st person                            I                                        Mine

2nd person                       You                                     Yours

3rd person (m)                   He                                       His

3rd person (f)                    She                                      Hers

3rd person thing                 It                                           -

1st person plural                We                                      Ours

2nd person plural             You                                     Yours

3rd person plural             They                                     Theirs

Pembahasan Jawaban

I give this book to you. Now the book is ___

(Aku memberikan buku ini kepadamu. Sekarang buku ini ___)

⤷ Yours (milikmu)

Karena dia memberikan bukunya kepadamu, maka berarti bukunya sekarang menjadi milikmu.You ➔ yours (bisa dilihat pada possessive pronouns di atas)

20. Give the book to jane if you (read)..........If


jika anda beri buku itu ke jane


kurang mengerti si...maksud soal ini bagaimana??benarkah jawabanya??

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