The Empty Pot Pdf

The Empty Pot Pdf

What is The Empty Pot Pdf?

The Empty Pot Pdf is a children’s story written by Demi. It is about a young boy named Ping who lives in ancient China. Ping is an honest and kind-hearted boy who is known for his love of flowers. When the Emperor announces a contest to find the best gardener in the kingdom, Ping enters the competition with high hopes. Unfortunately, he soon finds out that all the other contestants have cheated, leaving him with no chance of winning.

What is the Story About?

The Empty Pot Pdf is a story about honesty and perseverance. Despite the unfairness of the competition, Ping remains true to himself and his love of flowers. He is rewarded for his honesty and perseverance when the Emperor discovers that he is the only one who has not cheated. He is presented with a single seed from a magical flower, which he must nurture and care for until it blooms.

What is the Message of the Story?

The message of The Empty Pot Pdf is that honesty and hard work will be rewarded. Ping’s story teaches children that it is more important to be honest and to follow their passions than to try to cheat their way to success. It also reminds children that it is important to work hard and stay true to themselves, even when the odds are against them.
Why is The Empty Pot Pdf a Good Story to Read?
The Empty Pot Pdf is a wonderful story for children to read because it teaches valuable lessons about honesty and perseverance. It is also a great way to introduce children to Chinese culture and history. It is a captivating and inspiring story that will stay with them for a long time.

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Questions and Answers:

1. dongeng the empty pot

One day the Emperor announces that he needs a successor, someone who can carry on after he is gone with the ruling of the kingdom and the growing of the flowers. He gives each child one seed, and the one who grows the best flower will take over after him. Competition is fierce, and Ping is heartbroken that nothing comes up, despite his careful tending. On the day of the competition, he is the only child with an empty pot; all the others brings lush plants. But the Emperor has tricked everyone by distributing cooked seeds, unable to grow; and Ping, with his empty pot, is the only honest gardener--and the winner. Extraordinarily delicate Oriental landscapes in round frames show Chinese architecture, foliage, native birds and clothing in a delightful way

2. carilah verb bentuk kedua dari bacaan the empty pot minimal 20 kata​tolong bantu jawab ya, terima kasih

1. needed

2. had

3. loved

4. decided

5. gave

6. said

7. wanted

8. returned

9. carried

10. got

11. tried

12. repotted

13. changed

14. passed

15. cleaned

16. prepared

17. walked

18. asked

19. felt

20. agreed

21. brought

22. checked

23. came

24. scowled

25. planted

26. kept

27. watched


simple past tense

semoga membantu

3. The mass of a pot completely filled with soup is 6 kg. When it is filled with soup, itsmass is 2.8 kg. What is the mass of the empty pot?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Massa panci yang terisi penuh sup adalah 6 kg. Saat diisi dengan sup, itu

massa 2,8 kg. Berapa massa pot kosong?

6 - 2,8

= 3,2 kg

4. the hall is empty. There ... not... students in the hall.

Jawaban :
--Tobe & Quantifier--
The hall is empty. There ... no ... student in the hall
==> is, any

Semoga membantu^^

5. Switch off the light when the room's empty

Matikan lampunya ketika ruangan kosong

6. (+) I put the key under the pot. The negative form of the sentence is a. I didn't put the key under the pot. b. I don't put the key under the pot. C. Tam not put the key under the pot. d. I doesn't put the key under the pot.


a. I didn't put the key under the pot


semoga bnr:)


b. I don't put the key under the pot

7. the crossword puzzle is stiil empty

teka tekinya masih kosong?
maaf kalau salahteka teki silang itu masih kosong

8. the class is empty...........everybody at the schoolyard

Answer :
The class is empty BECAUSE everybody is at the school yardthe class is empty because everybody at the schoolyard

9. what is the clocest meaning of the word "empty"​




dua duanya memiliki arti kosong sih as I know

10. empty can you empty the curtains

can you close the curtains/can you open the curtains

open: buka

11. The classroom is empty. The the playground. ​


The children is in the playgroud


the children play in the playground

12. The school was empty. There there.​


is no people , i feel afraid



Artinya:Sekolah itu kosong. Disana disana


semoga membantu :)

13. The Dustbin is... A. Comfortable b. Empty

The Dustbin is (B) EmptyB.empty

Aorey kalau salah

14. A pot weighs 6kg when it is filled completely with soup. It weighs 2.8 kg when it is filled 1/3. How much does the empty pot weigh?

pot wights 6kg when it ks filled completely with soup pot weights become 6kg+2,8kg=8,8kg. so when it is filled only 1/3 means the weights of the pot getting wighing 8,8-1/3=2.6kg. so the total of the pot wight when it is filled 1/3 become 6kg+2.6kg=8.6kg

15. The mass of a pot completely filled with soup is 6 kg. When it is filled with soup, itsmass is 28 kg What is the mass of the empty pot?SUP odaiah 6 kg. bila 1 dui​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

16. .... do you mean ? fil the empty blank

what ................."What" Do you mean. .....

17. hazel......the bin . (not empty)​


hazel didn't emptied the bin


hazel not empty the bin.

18. The classroom is empty. The children …….playing in the field now.​





is playing

semoga membantu


is playing


se.oga membantu

19. what is the antonym of empty​




20. complete the few empty sentences !​

1. Where are you go?

2. good luck

3. it's good

4. popular business

5. thanks a lot

6. congratulations

7. I'm glad you think

8. new hair cut

9. mentioning

10. nice

sorry if I'm being late..̫

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