Analyzed As A Sentence Crossword Clue

Analyzed As A Sentence Crossword Clue

Analyzed As A Sentence Crossword Clue

What is Analyzed As A Sentence?

Analyzed As A Sentence is a type of crossword clue where the phrase is broken down into smaller parts, called "clues", in order to help the solver figure out the answer. The clues are usually related to the words in the phrase and can help to provide an additional understanding of the meaning of the phrase as a whole.

What is a Crossword Clue?

A crossword clue is a hint given in a crossword puzzle to help the solver find the answer to the puzzle. Clues are usually given in the form of a question, although they can also be in the form of a statement.

How Does Analyzed As A Sentence Work?

In Analyzed As A Sentence, the phrase is broken down into several clues that are related to the words in the phrase. Each clue will provide the solver with a hint as to what the word or phrase is, and often the clues can help to provide an additional understanding of the meaning of the phrase as a whole.

Examples of Analyzed As A Sentence Clues

An example of an Analyzed As A Sentence clue might be: “The capital of Italy?”. This clue is related to the phrase “Rome”, which is the capital of Italy. By understanding the relationship between the clue and the answer, the solver can figure out the answer to the puzzle.

Why Should Teachers Use Analyzed As A Sentence?

Analyzed As A Sentence can be a great way to help students understand the meaning of a phrase. By breaking down a phrase into smaller parts, students can gain a better understanding of the words and the meaning of the phrase as a whole. Additionally, Analyzed As A Sentence can be used as a great tool for teaching vocabulary and improving critical thinking skills.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Example sentence of synonim clue

clue = hint.

I'm still looking for hint

clue = evidence

Police officers are still searching for evidences

2. do the crossword puzzle by completing the following sentence. characteristics: independence​


Cari sendiri how are you going to be a


get it to me about the other day and I don't know what to do it again and again and I have to be a little bit more than a week or so and so I can do it for me and you know how you feel better soon as I am not sure if I can do it again and again and again and r not a good day at work and I don't know what to do it again and again and again and it was a good day today and tomorrow is the first time I see you soon then we went out for a while ago I got a lot of fun to be with you and your family are doing great and you can do to you and I don't think you should have been in the morning and it was a good ortru uyu it is not good for you guys have a great time and where is that a lot to me about the same way about it but I have no idea how much I it so I have a good day today and tomorrow night at the end up with the girls and I have to go to sleep now girl is so cute and sweet potato with that one day and I have to be a good time to go back in time and where is that what you want me too baby girl is a little bit ago and I have to go to in the middle of the African American people who don't like it was so much for me to come back to the gym and work with

3. Observe the crossword puzzle find 10 verb two and make sentence

crossword puzzle (tts) nya mana ya ? yang pasti artinya disuruh cari 10 kata kerja v2 yang biasanya dipakai di past tense dan buat kalimat dari kata kerja tersebut

4. Complete this crossword

Show the whole crossword.

5. Make dialog using expressions of command.Example clue: it's very windy todayDialog:Mom: it's very windy today. Close the window, dear!Daughter: certainly, mom.Mom: thank you.Daughter: you're welcome.The clue sentence:1. The pictures haven't been colores yet2. The crossword puzzle is still empty3. The tables are too close.Thank you!


Student: Wow! that is a wonderful picture!

Painter: Yes, it is

Student: Do you the one who make this, Sir?

Painter: Yes, it's one my remarkable work.

Student: Can I touch that picture?

Painter: Sorry, but you can't.

Student: Why?

Painter: Because thepictureshaven'tbeencoloresyet.

Student: Okay, sorry Sir

Painter: It's okay, but you can come back, and have the picture when i'm done coloring the picture.

Student: Really!?

Painter: Yeah, come back here 5 days later, Okay?

Student: Okay! Thank you Sir!

Painter: You're welcome.


Kevin: Nathan, let's play crossword puzzle!

Nathan: Okay! Let's go!

Kevin: Let's go to my house

Kevin: I'm the first!

Nathan: Okay

Kevin: Hey, thecrosswordpuzzleisstillempty!

Nathan: Well that cannot be answered, then the game is set, thank you for the game, Goodbye

Kevin: Okay, Goodbye


Teacher: Good morning, student

Student: Good morning, teacher

Teacher: Before we begin the class, please take away that table, Thetableistooclose!

Student: Okay!




clue clue taa ii a n njjg

7. B.write a sentence for each number using both...and,either..or,or neither ...nor.use the clue to help you

1. Both Dino and Rara are clever students.
2. Both tomato and aubergine are vegetables.
3. You can have either coffee or ice tea.
4. They can bring neither home dictionaries nor home encyclopedias
5. The guests will arrive neither too early nor too late.
6. You may leave either today or tomorrow.
7. when you cram for exam, you will get both tired and sleepy.
8. to join the contest, you can either write an essay or make a speech.

8. No. 9 di crossword ini apa?




Moh.Yamin adalah orang yanf menuliskan dan membaca teks sumpah pemuda pada tanggal 28 10 1928

9. write a sentence for each Number using both.... and, either..... or ,or brother....nor. use clue to help you.

1. Both of Dino and Rara are clever student.
2. Both of tomato and aubergine are vegetable.
3. You can have either coffe or ice tea.
4. They cannot bring home both dictionaries and encyclopedias.
5. The guest not only won't arrive too early but also too late.
6. Either you leave today. Or you may leave tomorrow. It doesn't matter to me.
7. When you cram for exam, you will not only get tired, but also you will get sleepy, too.
8. To join the contest, either you can write an essay, or you can make a speech.

maaf jika ada yang salah

10. solve the crossword ​


6. niece

7. married?

8. stepbrother

9. stepsister

11. children

12. nephew

13. husband?

11. ...document must be analyzed today a. thisb. these ​




i am so sorry if my answer is wrong please !!!!


b.these maaf kalo salah

12. Food Crossword Puzzle ​


FoodCrosswordPuzzleArtinyaTeka-teki silang makanan


13. fill in the following crossword by writing down the missing word in each sentence


1. bigger

1. better

2. easier

3. fatter

4. happier

5. worst

6. cheaper

7. colder

8. longer

9. funnier

10. hotter

11. cleaner

12. taller

13. deeper

In general linguistics, the comparative is a syntactic construction that serves to express a comparison between two entities or groups of entities in quality or degree - see also comparison for an overview of comparison, as well as positive and superlative degrees of comparison.

14. Buatlah kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 1 dengan clue kata kerja / verbkemudian artikan ke Indonesia!Contoh: 1. Clue : visit=If they visit my home, we will make big bread.2. Clue :miss =3. Clue : have much money = 4. Clue : study =5. Clue : graduate =6. Clue : love​


2. Clue :miss = If she leave me, I will miss her

Jika dia pergi, aku akan rindu padanya

3. Clue : have much money = If I have much money, I'll buy a new smartphone

Jika aku punya banyak uang, aku akan membeli hp baru

4. Clue : study = If I study, I'll become smart

Jika aku belajar , aku akan jadi pintar

5. Clue : graduate = If I become smart, I'll graduate with high scores

Jika aku jadi pintar , aku akan lulus dengan nilai tinggi

6. Clue : love = If she love me, I'll love her too

Jika dia mencintai ku , aku juga akan mencintai nya

15. Buatlah kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 1 dengan clue kata kerja / verbkemudian artikan ke Indonesia!Contoh: 1. Clue : visit = mengunjungiIf they visit my home, we will make big bread.(jika mereka mengunjungi rumah ku, kita akan membuat roti besar)2. Clue : miss = ………..………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………..3. Clue : have much money = 4. Clue : study =5. Clue : graduate =6. Clue : love=​


1.clue: visit=mengunjungi

2.clue: miss= ketinggalan

3.clue:have much money=mempunyai banyak uang

4.clue: study= belajar

5.clue: graduate=



maaf nomor 5 gak tau

gak apa apa kan?

semoga membantu;)

16. what is thr clue word present perfect and simple past if you want to make a sentence​


If want to use the simple past sentences, the key is you must use verb 2


i (went) to the market yesterday

•went is verb 2 of go"

and if you want to use the present perfect sentences

you must use have/has verb 3


i have (invited) by nina to come, to her birthday party


kamu juga harus memperhatikan rumus² simple past dan simple present, lumayan beragam rumusnya tergantung dari subjek. Untuk rumus kamu bisa cari di Internet. Semoga membantu

Sorry kaloo salah ya

17. crossword please bantu ​






5.not late/beginning






maaf klo salah


2. wet

5. right

6. light

9. proper

11. near

13. cold

15. young

17. full

18. fill in the following crossword by writing down the missing word in each sentence ​

halo ka!! tolong kasi text nya yaa agar bisa di jawab :)

19. Crossword.. Help me..

1. basketball
4. volleyball
10. baseball
7. football
8. judo
6. running
13. tennis
14. diving
15. fencing
17. golf
18. smiwmming
19. canoeing
20. riding

maaf acak dan ada yang belum.soalnya sekalian nentuin kolom wkwk

20. "jawablah Crossword diatas!"​


1. above

2. in front of

3. behind

4. on

5. around

6. above

7. in

8. between

Semoga membantu!!

Jaikan yg terbaik yaa!!


1. under

2. in front of

3. beside

4. on

7. in

8. Between

9. behind


maaf ya klu salah, semoga membantu

67 3 Kg To Lbs

67 3 Kg To Lbs

67 3 Kg To Lbs is a conversion from kilograms to pounds. Question: How many pounds is 67.3 kilograms? Answer: 67.3 kilograms is 148.2 pounds.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. a. 110 LBS itu berapa kg? b. 80 LBS itu berapa kg?


110 lbs itu 48,895 Kg atau dibulatkan jadi 50kg

80 lbs itu 36,287 kg atau di bulatkan jadi 36 kg

1 lbs = 453,6 gram

2. 1 LBS itu lebih besar atau lebih kecil dari 1 kg? Dan berapakah 1 LBS itu dalam kilogram?

dura ratus ribu 
oal ko sok sa je nak

3. 1 kg itu berapa lbs?

ya.."lbs" itu apa...?
lbs itu apa?
apa itu lbs?


4. 67 kg +45 kg+78 dag​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

67000 g + 45000 g + 780= 112780 gram

78 dag= 78:100=0,78 kg
67 kg+45 kg+0,78 kg= 112,78 kg

maaf kalo salah

5. kapan berdirinya Lembaga Budaya Sunda ( LBS )

berdirinya tahun 1987
berdiri pada tahun 1978

6. yang meninggal desa lbs 35 orang dengan angka kelahiran kasar 70 tentukanlah jumlah penduduk lbs

tinggal 70 dikurang 35
hasil 35
maaf klo slh

7. apa kekurangan dan kelebihan LBS

LBS mempunyai kelebihan sbb:
- tetap berfungsi bila berada di dalam gedung
- impact interferensi medan elektromagnetik yang lain tidak terlalu besar

Kekurangan LBS sbb:
- coverage sangat bergantung pada coverage selular

8. suatu barang mempunyai tara sebesar 4% sama dengan 3 kg. Neto barang tersebut adalah....a. 57 kgb. 67 kgc. 72 kgd. 75 kg

Jawaban terlampir....

9. Suatu barang mempunyai tara sebesar 4% sama dengan 3 kg. Netto barang itu adalah....A. 62 kgB. 67 kgC. 72 kgD. 75 kg​


Tara = 4% = 3kg

4% x bruto = 3kg

4/100 x bruto = 3 kg

4B /100 = 300/100

4B = 300

Bruto = 75 kg

Netto = B - Tara

=75 - 3

= 72 kg (c)

10. terbuat dari bahan yang mampu menahan setidaknya 150 lbs daya dari arah manapun. apa kepanjangan dr lbs?

kepanjangan dari lbs adalah location based services
Location based services,

11. If 2.2 lbs = 1.0 kg, and Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs, what is her weight in newtons?


as it is given that

2.2 lbs = 1 kg

here we know that Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs

so its mass in kg is given as

m=130 1/2.2=59.1 kg

now to find the weight in Newton unit we can say


W=59.1 * 9.8


so 130 lbs weighs as 579 N in SI units



12. 2. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini !BrutoNettoTara90 kg88 kg67 kg3 kg27 kg0,5 kg​


Tara = Bruto - Netto = 90 - 88 = 2 kg

Bruto = netto + tara = 67 + 3 = 70 kg

Netto = bruto - tara = 27 - 05 = 26,5 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu.,

jawaban terbaik juga boleh.,


1. Tara : 2 kg

2.Bruto : 70 kg

3. Netto : 26,5 kg

13. massa 67 = berapa kg?


hasilnya sama yaitu 67 kg

karena kilogram itu satuan unit untuk massa

jadi sama

14. 250 gram sama dengan berapa lbs?

250 gram sama dengan 0.551156 lbs

sama dengan 0,551156 udh setau aku itu

15. Berapa hasil taksiran 67% dari 100 kg



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

100 × 67%/100=6700/100

=67 kg

16. Berapakah atom karbon yang terdapat dalam 10 lbs gula, C12H22O11? (1 lbs = 0,454 kg) ???​


massa atom karbon = 1,91134 kg


1 lbs = 0,454 kg

10 lbs = 4,54 kg


jumlah atom karbon = 12

Ar C = 12

Ar H = 1

Ar O = 16

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 × Ar C) + (22 × Ar H) + (11 × Ar O)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 x 12) + (22 + 1) + (11 x 16)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 144 + 22 + 176

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 342

massa C = [tex]\frac{jumlah~atom~C~x~Ar~C}{Mr~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}}~x~massa~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}[/tex]

massa C = [tex]\frac{12~x~12}{342} ~x~4,54[/tex]

massa C = 0,421 x 4,54

massa C = 1,91134 kg

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang

Kadar unsur dalam senyawa Kadar senyawa


17. jelaskan pengertian ABSW,FCO,LBS,dan RECLOSER

1.LBS(load break switch)mrpkan saklar pemutus arus tiga fase untuk penempatan di luar ruas pd tiang pancang,yg dikendalikan scra elektronis.
2.ABSW(air break switch)adlh peralatan hubung yg berfungsi sbgi pemisah dan biasa dipasang pd jaringan luar.
3.RECLOSER(penutup balik otomatis/PBO)adlh peralatan yg digunakan untuk memproteksi bila ada gangguan.
itu yg saya tahu...Maaf klo salahh....

18. Berat Tuti 3 kg lebih berat dari Sri. Jika jumlah berat mereka 67 kg, tentukan berat masing-masing. ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Berat Tuti = (67+3):2

= 70 : 2

= 35 kg

Berat Siti = 67 - 35

= 32 kg


= 67 + 3 / 2

= 70/2

= 35/1

= 35 KG




= (67 - 35)KG

= 32 KG

[tex]{\colorbox{black}{\colorbox{black}{\boxed{ \colorbox{blue}{\sf{Frederick \: <3 \: \: Litha}}\:}}}}[/tex]

19. 30 lbs berapa kilo gram?

30 lbs = ... kg
30 lbs setara dengan 13,64 kg

Maaf kalo salah...

20. Jelaskan/sebutkan 1 lbs berapa kg


1 lbs/1 pound=0,454 kg

3 26 Kg To Lbs

3 26 Kg To Lbs

Introduction to 3 26 Kg To Lbs

What Is a Kilogram?

A kilogram is a metric unit of mass and is equal to 1,000 grams. It is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). It is abbreviated as kg.

What Is a Pound?

A pound is a unit of mass and is equal to 0.45359237 kilograms. It is abbreviated as lb.

How to Convert 3 26 Kg To Lbs?

To convert 3 26 kg to lbs, simply multiply 3 26 kg by 2.20462262185. This will give you the equivalent of 3 26 kg in lbs.


If you want to convert 3 26 kg to lbs, simply multiply 3 26 kg by 2.20462262185. This will give you the equivalent of 715.712048 lbs.
3 26 kg to lbs is equal to 715.712048 lbs. To convert 3 26 kg to lbs, simply multiply 3 26 kg by 2.20462262185. This will give you the equivalent result in lbs.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. a. 110 LBS itu berapa kg? b. 80 LBS itu berapa kg?


110 lbs itu 48,895 Kg atau dibulatkan jadi 50kg

80 lbs itu 36,287 kg atau di bulatkan jadi 36 kg

1 lbs = 453,6 gram

2. 1 LBS itu lebih besar atau lebih kecil dari 1 kg? Dan berapakah 1 LBS itu dalam kilogram?

dura ratus ribu 
oal ko sok sa je nak

3. 1 kg itu berapa lbs?

ya.."lbs" itu apa...?
lbs itu apa?
apa itu lbs?


4. Berapakah atom karbon yang terdapat dalam 10 lbs gula, C12H22O11? (1 lbs = 0,454 kg) ???​


massa atom karbon = 1,91134 kg


1 lbs = 0,454 kg

10 lbs = 4,54 kg


jumlah atom karbon = 12

Ar C = 12

Ar H = 1

Ar O = 16

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 × Ar C) + (22 × Ar H) + (11 × Ar O)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 x 12) + (22 + 1) + (11 x 16)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 144 + 22 + 176

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 342

massa C = [tex]\frac{jumlah~atom~C~x~Ar~C}{Mr~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}}~x~massa~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}[/tex]

massa C = [tex]\frac{12~x~12}{342} ~x~4,54[/tex]

massa C = 0,421 x 4,54

massa C = 1,91134 kg

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang

Kadar unsur dalam senyawa Kadar senyawa


5. 30 lbs berapa kilo gram?

30 lbs = ... kg
30 lbs setara dengan 13,64 kg

Maaf kalo salah...

6. berapa frekuensi : transponder,audio PID,videoPID,symbol rate,polarization,dan pcr PID siaran lbs tv on life ?

frekuensinya mungkin sampai 200 HZ

7. percepatan lift: 200 ft/min, beratnya 2204 lbs, berapakah lift akan naik?​


Lift akan naik Dgn semua lantai di rumah itu.

Lift lamanya mungkin akan 5detik /lantai

8. jelaskan pengertian ABSW,FCO,LBS,dan RECLOSER

1.LBS(load break switch)mrpkan saklar pemutus arus tiga fase untuk penempatan di luar ruas pd tiang pancang,yg dikendalikan scra elektronis.
2.ABSW(air break switch)adlh peralatan hubung yg berfungsi sbgi pemisah dan biasa dipasang pd jaringan luar.
3.RECLOSER(penutup balik otomatis/PBO)adlh peralatan yg digunakan untuk memproteksi bila ada gangguan.
itu yg saya tahu...Maaf klo salahh....

9. hitung energi kinetik dalam btu 5000 lbs pesawat dengan kecepatan 25 mph gunakan sistem satuan SI

Jadi, Energikinetikdari pesawattersebutsekitar138.611,25J.

Pembahasan : Satuan SI

Sistem satuan di dunia memiliki patokan yaitu satuan SI (Standar Internasional). Satuan Standar Internasional adalah satuan baku yang telah ditetapkan oleh para ahli dan digunakan untuk keseluruhan negara. Sehingga diperlukan pengonversian satuan terlebih dahulu sebelum menghitung suatu besaran dengan patokan satuan SI.

Energi Kinetik

Energi kinetik disebabkan oleh suatu benda yang mengalami suatu pergerakan. Benda yang bergerak ini pastinya akan memiliki kecepatan. Energi kinetik sangat bergantung pada massa dan kecepatan gerak suatu benda. Energi kinetik dapat dirumuskan dengan :

[tex] \boxed{\bold{E_k = \frac{1}{2} \times m \times v^{2}}} [/tex]

Dengan ketentuan :

Ek = energi kinetik (J) m = massa benda (kg) v = kecepatan gerak (m/s) Langkah Penyelesaian :

Keterangan :

1 lbs = 1 pon = 0,45 kg 1 mph = 1,604 km/h

Diketahui :

m = massa benda = 5.000 lbs = 5.000 × 0,45 kg = 2.250 kg v = kecepatan gerak = 25 mph = 25 × 1,604 = 40,1 km/jam ≈ 40 km/jam

Ditanya : Ek = energi kinetik = ... J

Jawaban :

Ubah dulu kecepatan gerak dari km/jam ke m/s

[tex] \frac{40 \: km}{jam} = \frac{40 \times 1.000 \: m}{3.600 \: s} = \frac{11,1 \: m}{s} [/tex]

Hitung energi kinetik pergerakan benda tersebut.

[tex] E_k = \frac{1}{2} \times m \times v^{2} [/tex]

[tex] E_k = \frac{1}{2} \times 2.250 \times 11,1^{2} [/tex]

[tex] E_k = 1.125 \times 123,21 [/tex]

[tex] \boxed{E_k \approx 138.611,25 \: J}[/tex]

Detail Soal :

Kelas : 10

Mata Pelajaran : Fisika

Materi : Bab 8 - Usaha dan Energi

Kata Kunci : Energi kinetik; satuan SI

Kode Kategorisasi : 10.6.8

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut : Rumus dimensi dari energi yang dimaksud satuan SI sistem MKS dan CGS ? harus menggunakan satuan baku pada proses pengukuran ?

10. kapan berdirinya Lembaga Budaya Sunda ( LBS )

berdirinya tahun 1987
berdiri pada tahun 1978

11. a)jika dalam autoclaf terdapat 1/3 udara dan 2/3 uap air, berapakah suhu yang dicapai pada saat tekanan autoclaf 15 lbs? dan apakah dengan kondisi tersebut sterilisasi tercapai? mengapa?


12. 250 gram sama dengan berapa lbs?

250 gram sama dengan 0.551156 lbs

sama dengan 0,551156 udh setau aku itu

13. Jelaskan/sebutkan 1 lbs berapa kg


1 lbs/1 pound=0,454 kg

14. Sebuah balok terbuat dari beton dengan panjang 1 m, lebar 0,5 m dan tinggi 2 m. Jika berat jenis material balok = 7850 kg/m³, jika 1 lbs sama dengan 0,46 Kg berapakah beratnya?.


3611 lbs

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

berat=volume balok x berat jenis

[tex]x = (1 \times 0.5 \times 2) \times 7850 \\ x = 1 \times 7850 \\ x = 7850kg \\ x = 7850 \times 0.46 \\ x = 3611 \: lbs[/tex]


17.065,22 lbs

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

P = m/v => m = P × v

P= massa jenis, V= Volume benda

Karna bendanya balok: V= P × L × T

= 1×0,5×2= 1 m³

Maka m = 7850 × 1 = 7850 Kg = 7850/0,46 lbs

= 17.065,22 lbs

15. yang meninggal desa lbs 35 orang dengan angka kelahiran kasar 70 tentukanlah jumlah penduduk lbs

tinggal 70 dikurang 35
hasil 35
maaf klo slh

16. terbuat dari bahan yang mampu menahan setidaknya 150 lbs daya dari arah manapun. apa kepanjangan dr lbs?

kepanjangan dari lbs adalah location based services
Location based services,

17. If 2.2 lbs = 1.0 kg, and Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs, what is her weight in newtons?


as it is given that

2.2 lbs = 1 kg

here we know that Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs

so its mass in kg is given as

m=130 1/2.2=59.1 kg

now to find the weight in Newton unit we can say


W=59.1 * 9.8


so 130 lbs weighs as 579 N in SI units



18. tuliskan tiga hak. terhadap lingkungan , please jawab supaya lbs ku cepat selesai ​

jawaban:mendapatkan oksigen,air, cahaya matahari,hewan,tumbuhan,buah

maaf atas kekurangan

19. kak tolong bantuin jawab dong LBD artinya luas bangun datar LBS artinya luas bangun semuanya

LBD itu biasanya hanya luas untuk 1 bangun datar
LBS itu biasanya untuk luas bangun datar gabungan

20. apa kekurangan dan kelebihan LBS

LBS mempunyai kelebihan sbb:
- tetap berfungsi bila berada di dalam gedung
- impact interferensi medan elektromagnetik yang lain tidak terlalu besar

Kekurangan LBS sbb:
- coverage sangat bergantung pada coverage selular

The Empty Pot Pdf

The Empty Pot Pdf

What is The Empty Pot Pdf?

The Empty Pot Pdf is a children’s story written by Demi. It is about a young boy named Ping who lives in ancient China. Ping is an honest and kind-hearted boy who is known for his love of flowers. When the Emperor announces a contest to find the best gardener in the kingdom, Ping enters the competition with high hopes. Unfortunately, he soon finds out that all the other contestants have cheated, leaving him with no chance of winning.

What is the Story About?

The Empty Pot Pdf is a story about honesty and perseverance. Despite the unfairness of the competition, Ping remains true to himself and his love of flowers. He is rewarded for his honesty and perseverance when the Emperor discovers that he is the only one who has not cheated. He is presented with a single seed from a magical flower, which he must nurture and care for until it blooms.

What is the Message of the Story?

The message of The Empty Pot Pdf is that honesty and hard work will be rewarded. Ping’s story teaches children that it is more important to be honest and to follow their passions than to try to cheat their way to success. It also reminds children that it is important to work hard and stay true to themselves, even when the odds are against them.
Why is The Empty Pot Pdf a Good Story to Read?
The Empty Pot Pdf is a wonderful story for children to read because it teaches valuable lessons about honesty and perseverance. It is also a great way to introduce children to Chinese culture and history. It is a captivating and inspiring story that will stay with them for a long time.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. dongeng the empty pot

One day the Emperor announces that he needs a successor, someone who can carry on after he is gone with the ruling of the kingdom and the growing of the flowers. He gives each child one seed, and the one who grows the best flower will take over after him. Competition is fierce, and Ping is heartbroken that nothing comes up, despite his careful tending. On the day of the competition, he is the only child with an empty pot; all the others brings lush plants. But the Emperor has tricked everyone by distributing cooked seeds, unable to grow; and Ping, with his empty pot, is the only honest gardener--and the winner. Extraordinarily delicate Oriental landscapes in round frames show Chinese architecture, foliage, native birds and clothing in a delightful way

2. carilah verb bentuk kedua dari bacaan the empty pot minimal 20 kata​tolong bantu jawab ya, terima kasih

1. needed

2. had

3. loved

4. decided

5. gave

6. said

7. wanted

8. returned

9. carried

10. got

11. tried

12. repotted

13. changed

14. passed

15. cleaned

16. prepared

17. walked

18. asked

19. felt

20. agreed

21. brought

22. checked

23. came

24. scowled

25. planted

26. kept

27. watched


simple past tense

semoga membantu

3. The mass of a pot completely filled with soup is 6 kg. When it is filled with soup, itsmass is 2.8 kg. What is the mass of the empty pot?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Massa panci yang terisi penuh sup adalah 6 kg. Saat diisi dengan sup, itu

massa 2,8 kg. Berapa massa pot kosong?

6 - 2,8

= 3,2 kg

4. the hall is empty. There ... not... students in the hall.

Jawaban :
--Tobe & Quantifier--
The hall is empty. There ... no ... student in the hall
==> is, any

Semoga membantu^^

5. Switch off the light when the room's empty

Matikan lampunya ketika ruangan kosong

6. (+) I put the key under the pot. The negative form of the sentence is a. I didn't put the key under the pot. b. I don't put the key under the pot. C. Tam not put the key under the pot. d. I doesn't put the key under the pot.


a. I didn't put the key under the pot


semoga bnr:)


b. I don't put the key under the pot

7. the crossword puzzle is stiil empty

teka tekinya masih kosong?
maaf kalau salahteka teki silang itu masih kosong

8. the class is empty...........everybody at the schoolyard

Answer :
The class is empty BECAUSE everybody is at the school yardthe class is empty because everybody at the schoolyard

9. what is the clocest meaning of the word "empty"​




dua duanya memiliki arti kosong sih as I know

10. empty can you empty the curtains

can you close the curtains/can you open the curtains

open: buka

11. The classroom is empty. The the playground. ​


The children is in the playgroud


the children play in the playground

12. The school was empty. There there.​


is no people , i feel afraid



Artinya:Sekolah itu kosong. Disana disana


semoga membantu :)

13. The Dustbin is... A. Comfortable b. Empty

The Dustbin is (B) EmptyB.empty

Aorey kalau salah

14. A pot weighs 6kg when it is filled completely with soup. It weighs 2.8 kg when it is filled 1/3. How much does the empty pot weigh?

pot wights 6kg when it ks filled completely with soup pot weights become 6kg+2,8kg=8,8kg. so when it is filled only 1/3 means the weights of the pot getting wighing 8,8-1/3=2.6kg. so the total of the pot wight when it is filled 1/3 become 6kg+2.6kg=8.6kg

15. The mass of a pot completely filled with soup is 6 kg. When it is filled with soup, itsmass is 28 kg What is the mass of the empty pot?SUP odaiah 6 kg. bila 1 dui​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

16. .... do you mean ? fil the empty blank

what ................."What" Do you mean. .....

17. hazel......the bin . (not empty)​


hazel didn't emptied the bin


hazel not empty the bin.

18. The classroom is empty. The children …….playing in the field now.​





is playing

semoga membantu


is playing


se.oga membantu

19. what is the antonym of empty​




20. complete the few empty sentences !​

1. Where are you go?

2. good luck

3. it's good

4. popular business

5. thanks a lot

6. congratulations

7. I'm glad you think

8. new hair cut

9. mentioning

10. nice

sorry if I'm being late..̫

Ir Spectrum Of Benzene

Ir Spectrum Of Benzene

What is an IR Spectrum of Benzene?

An IR Spectrum of Benzene is an infrared spectrum which shows the absorption of infrared light by a compound. This spectrum gives information about the different bonds in the molecule and can help identify the structure of the compound.

How is an IR Spectrum of Benzene Produced?

An IR Spectrum of Benzene is produced by passing infrared light through a sample of the compound. The light is absorbed at certain frequencies by the different bonds in the molecule. The absorption is then plotted on a graph to produce the IR Spectrum of Benzene.

What Does an IR Spectrum of Benzene Show?

An IR Spectrum of Benzene shows the absorption at different frequencies of infrared light by the different bonds in the molecule. This can be used to identify the structure of the compound.
How is an IR Spectrum of Benzene Used?
An IR Spectrum of Benzene can be used to identify the structure of the compound. It can also be used to compare different compounds to help determine the structure of unknown compounds.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. How much spectrum of colour in the sunlinght


We can observe on the paper that the sunlight is split into a spectrum of colours like a rainbow, every colour in VIBGYOR pattern i.e., violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red can be seen. The conclusion drawn here is that sunlight is nothing but a mixture of seven colours.Penjelasan:

2. spectrum adalah?..................?????

persatuan/perpaduan 7 warna yang menjadi warna netral yaitu putih

3. dalam suatu larutan 16% masa neftalen dalan benzene, jika diketahui Mr naftalen=28 dan Mr benzene=78, maka fraksi mol naftalen dan benzene adalah?

nt = 16 / 28 = 0.57 mol
np = 84 / 78 = 1.077 mol
Xt = 0.57 / (0.57 + 1.077) = 0.346
Xp = 1 - Xt = 1 - 0.346 = 0.654 ⇒ Jawab

4. Warna spectrum unsure bergantung pada …


Spektrum pancar atau spektrum emisi unsur kimia atau senyawa kimia adalah spektrum frekuensi dari radiasi elektromagnetik yang dipancarkan karena adanya atom atau molekul membuat transisi dari keadaan energi tinggi ke keadaan energi yang lebih rendah. Energi foton yang dipancarkan foton adalah sama dengan perbedaan energi antara kedua keadaan. Ada banyak kemungkinan transisi elektron untuk masing-masing atom, dan setiap transisi memiliki perbedaan energi spesifik. Kumpulan transisi yang berbeda ini, yang menyebabkan perbedaan panjang gelombang yang dipancarkan, sehingga membuat sebuah spektrum emisi. Masing-masing spektrum emisi unsur adalah unik. Oleh karena itu, spektroskopi dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur dalam bahan yang tidak diketahui komposisinya. Demikian pula, spektrum emisi molekul dapat digunakan dalam analisis kimia suatu zat.


maaf kalo salah yah

5. apa yang dimaksud dengan spectrum?

tersimpannya testis sebagai penghasil sperma

Persatuan/perpaduan dari 7 warna yang menjadi warna netral yaitu putih

6. Apakah benzene merupakan senyawa tak jenuh ?

Ya, benzena merupakan senyawa tak jenuh (memiliki ikatan rangkap) yang lebih mudah mengalami reaksi subtitusi daripada reaksi adisi.

JADIKAN YANG TERBAIK;)Ya , Benzena merupakan senyawa tidak jenuh , karena tidak memenuhi rumus CnH2n + 2 .

semoga membantu

7. apa itu spectrum autis?

Gangguan Spektrum Autisme (GSA) atau disebut juga sebagai Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) merupakan suatu gangguan perkembangan pada anak yang berat dan kompleks. Istilah ‘spektrum’ digunakan untuk menggambarkan kondisi GSA yang mempunyai rentang gejala, hendaya dan disabilitas yang luas dan bervariasi. suatu gangguan perkembangan pada anak yang berat dan kompleks

maaf klau salah

8. sebanyak 7,3 gram benzofenon(mr=190) di larutkan dalam 50 gr benzene(kb benzene=2,43°C).jika didik didih benzene murni=80,1°C maka larutan ini akan mendidih pada suhu.......°C​




9. perbedan orto,meta,para pada benzene

Orto, meta dan para adalah posisi gugus2 pengganti (substituen) yang terikat pada benzena (untuk 2 gugus pengganti).
Posisi orto: posisi gugus di nomor 1 dan 2.
Posisi meta: posisi gugus di nomor 1 dan 3.
Posisi para: posisi gugus di nomor 1 dan 4.
Semoga membantu

10. Apa itu spectrum mohon penjelasan yang mendetail

Spektrum adalah sebuah keadaan atau harga yang tidak terbatas hanya pada suatu set harga saja tetapi dapat berubah secara tak terbatas di dalam sebuah kontinum. Kata ini ber-evolusi dari kata bahasa Latin, spectre, yang berarti hantu, tetapi arti modern sekarang berasal dari penggunaannya dalam ilmu alam. Penggunaan pertama kata spektrum dalam ilmu alam adalah di bidang optik untuk menggambarkan pelangi warna dalam cahaya tampak ketika cahaya tersebut terdispersi oleh sebuah prisma, dan sejak itu diterapkan sebagai analogi di berbagai bidang lain. Kini istilah itu dipakai juga untuk menggambarkan rentang keadaan atau kelakuan yang luas yang dikelompokkan bersama dan dipelajari di bawah sebuah topik untuk kemudahan diskusi, misalnya 'spektrum opini politik', atau 'spektrum kerja dari sebuah obat', dan lain sebagainya. Pada penggunaan ini, harga-harga di dalam sebuah spektrum tidak perlu digambarkan secara tepat sebagai sebuah bilangan sebagaimana dalam bidang optik.

11. apasih yang dimaksud dengan spectrum ?

Spektrum adalah sebuah keadaan atau harga yang tidak terbatas hanya pada suatu set harga saja tetapi dapat berubah secara tak terbatas di dalam sebuah kontinum. Kata ini ber-evolusi dari kata bahasa Latin, spectre, yang berarti hantu, tetapi arti modern sekarang berasal dari penggunaannya dalam ilmu alam.

12. Ada berapa kelompokkah gelombang elektromagnetik dalam spectrum?


Gelombang elektromagnetik adalah gelombang yang memiliki muatan energi listrik dan magnet tanpa memerlukan media rambat. Sedangkan spektrum gelombang elektromagnetik adalah spektrum kontinu di mana masing-masing jenis gelombang yang berbeda didefinisikan dalam rentang panjang gelombang tertentu.

Jumlah kelompok dari gelombang elektromagnetik dalam spektrum adalah 7 kelompok dan terdiri dari:

-Gelombang radio

-Gelombang mikro

-Sinar infrared

-Cahaya tampak

-Sinar UV (ultraviolet)

-Sinar X

-Sinar Gamma

13. spectrum warna ditemukan oleh​


isaac newton (maap kalo salah gan)

14. apa itu spectrum frekuensi dan apa fungsinya ?​

Spektrum frekuensi radio adalah susunan pita frekuensi radio yang mempunyai frekuensi lebih kecil dari 3000 GHz sebagai satuan getaran gelombang elektromagnetikyang merambat dan terdapat dalam dirgantara (ruang udara dan antariksa)

15. sebutkan manfaat benzene

manfaatnya adalah membuat sesuatu jadi lebih baikBenzena banyak digunakan sebagai pelarut nonpolar, misalnya dalam pembersih cat dan pembersih karburator. Benzene juga digunakan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan senyawa turunan benzena, bahan pembuatan plastik, bahan peledak, tinta, zat pewarna, karet sintetik, nilon, dan deterjen.

16. Berdasarkan komposisinya benzene dapat dikelompokkan dalam .....




Semoga Membantu

17. Spectrum di pelajaran ipa

Sebuah kedaan atu harga yg tidak terbatas suatu set saja tapi berubah secr tak terbatas didalam sebuah kontinum

18. nama turunan senyawa benzene

Orto dibromo benzena

19. Dinitro benzene mempunyai isomer sebanyak...

Isomer dinitro benzene ada 3:
1,2- dinitro benzene (orto dinitro benzene)
1,3- dinitro benzene (meta dinitro benzene)
1,4- dinitro benzene (para dinitro benzene
Semoga membantu

20. Alasan mengapa cincin benzene sangat kuat


Benzena memiliki tiga ikatan rangkap (=) yang terkonjugasi dan mengalami resonansi, atau berpindah-pindah antara keenam atom karbon. Ini membuat ikatan rangkap ini lebih stabil dan sulit terpecah dalam reaksi adisi


Benzena memiliki tiga ikatan rangkap (=) yang terkonjugasi dan mengalami resonansi, atau berpindah-pindah antara keenam atom karbon. Ini membuat ikatan rangkap ini lebih stabil dan sulit terpecah dalam reaksi adisi.

Foal In Early Adolescence

Foal In Early Adolescence

Foal In Early Adolescence (FIEA) is the stage of development for a horse between the age of two and three. During this stage, the foal experiences physical, emotional, and social changes as it matures. At this stage, the horse will start to show signs of independence and will become more curious and active. The foal will also start to develop more coordination and muscle control. **What kind of physical changes can a horse experience during FIEA?** During FIEA, a horse will experience physical changes such as growth in height, an increase in muscle development, and a change in the shape of their body. They will also start to develop better coordination and muscle control.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Social relationships in middle and late adolescence !


From high school to college, adolescents mature faster socially, and new lessons are learned especially on how their social interactions affirm their self-identity, increase their self-esteem, and develop their capacity to nurture relationships

2. when did the writer paly basketball in his/her adolescence?

Mapel : B.Inggris

Jawaban :
Kapan penulis tersebut memata - matai bola basket di masa remajanya?

Maaf klo salah :)

Semoga membantu :)

Jadikan jawaban terbaik :)

3. The writer had acne problem when he was in adolescence

penulis memiliki masalah jerawat ketika dia di masa remajaPenulis mengalami masalah jerawat ketika ia masih remaja

4. cara membaca adolescence

Cara membaca adolescence = ˌadlˈesəns

5. jawaban lain dari about adolescence

dewasa pasti betul bangetI Dont Know #GetRekt

6. foal :I. Mengapa sayur kangkung banyak terdapatdi negaraTropis dan subtropis !​


karena kangkung dapat hidup di tempat yg bersuhu 22° ke atas maupun tempat bersuhu 22° kurang

7. The horse... One foal

the answer is

the horse has one foal

8. Arti adolescence? Banyak pr

Remaja / masa pubertas

Jadikan yg terbaik yaadolensence adalah tumbuh atau tumbuh menjadi dewasa

9. If you have Second Chance What will you do in your adolescence period

membuat menjadi lebih baik mungkin

10. Permisi ada yang tau info tentang jurnal Parenthing authoritatibe wirh selfhaem in adolescence


Penjelasan:itu link untuk download pdf file jurnalnya semoga membantu terima kasih

11. Usually – get up – morning – i – in –the – early * 2 poin a. i get up usually early in the morning b. i get up usually in early the morning c. i early get up usually in the morning d. i usually get up early in the mornin


d. i usually get up early in the morning

12. 1.what happened during your adolescence period? 2.did you have a memorable experience? you like the changes during adolescence?why or why not? do you cope with your adolescence period? 5.if you have second change,what will you do in your do in your adolescence period?

1) apa yang terjadi selama periode masa remaja Anda?
2) apakah Anda memiliki pengalaman yang tak terlupakan
3) apakah Anda menyukai perubahan selama masa remaja? mengapa atau mengapa tidak?
4) bagaimana Anda mengatasi masa remaja Anda?
5) jika Anda memiliki perubahan kedua,
apa yang akan Anda lakukan dalam do Anda di masa remaja Anda

13. pilihlah kata/frasa yang tidak tepat!In adolescence a young person may experience some stress emotional due to conflicting and confusing social demandsA.In adolescenceB.Stress emotionalC.ConfusingD.Demands​


b.stress emotional


karna strerr dn emotional(emosi) memili persamaan yang kuat,dan berdampak pada tekanan batin yang mendalng,dan juga bisa melakukan hal yang sekiranya menyakiti diri sendiri dan juga bisa menyakiti orang lain

semoga membantu;)


The incorrect word is stress emotional (B).

Seharusnya: In adolescence, a young person may experience some emotional stress due to conflicting and confusing social demands.

14. last night l read an article about adolescence in a magazine

Last night (tadi malam/semalam)
l (aku)
read (membaca)
an (sebuah)
article (artikel)
about (tentang)
adolescence (remaja/masa remaja/keremajaan)
in (di)
a (sebuah)
magazine (majalah)

15. Bagas.......early in the morning​

Bagas STUDIED early in the morning

Verb 2 adalah kata kerja bentuk lampau, dimana kata kerja tersebut mendapat akhiran (-ed) untuk kata kerja beraturan atau irregular verb.

16. naufal _____ early in the morning​


Naufal wake up early in the morning


wake up= bangun tidur

17. went-i-early -up - bed -to -wake - to - early- orderin​

i went to bed early in order to wake up early


saya pergi tidur lebih awal untuk / supaya bangun lebih awal

maaf jika salah dan semoga membantu

18. Apa arti kat adolescence

masa muda atau masa pubertas, yg berhubungan dengan muda lah
Masa pubertas saat beranjak ke dewasa

19. Last night I read an article about adolescence in a magazine

kemarin malam aku membaca arikel tentang masa remaja di majalah. Maaf aku nggak tau suruh ngapain soalnya

Penyelesaian :

Malam lalu, saya membaca sebuah artikel ttg masa remaja di sebuah majalah.

Salam Alaikum.

20. Last night I read an article about adolescence in a magazine

Semalam aku membaca sebuah artikel tentang kehidupan remaja di majalah.