Heidi Ho On Shark Tank

Heidi Ho On Shark Tank

Heidi Ho On Shark Tank


Heidi Ho is a plant-based food brand founded by Heidi Ong in 2014. The company produces organic plant-based cheese and meat alternatives, as well as non-dairy yogurts, dips, and condiments. In 2018, Ong appeared on the reality TV show Shark Tank to pitch her company and seek an investment from the show's panel of "sharks".

The Pitch

During her pitch on Shark Tank, Ong presented her company's vegan cheese and meat alternatives, as well as the company's mission to make plant-based foods accessible, healthy, and delicious. She also highlighted the company's commitment to using organic and non-GMO ingredients.

The Sharks' Reaction

The sharks were initially skeptical of the plant-based food industry, but they were eventually won over by Ong's passionate presentation. The sharks were impressed by the company's commitment to sustainability, health, and taste.

The Investment

Ong was ultimately able to secure an investment from Shark Tank investor Kevin O'Leary for $250,000 in exchange for a 25% stake in the company. In addition to the financial investment, O'Leary also provided Ong with advice and resources to help her grow the business.


Heidi Ho's appearance on Shark Tank was a success, as the company was able to secure an investment from one of the show's investors. The exposure from the show has also helped the company to grow, as it has become a popular plant-based food brand.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. • Which sentence is more correct? Pilih salah satu: a. The whale shark is light blue, the whale shark has dots on its body. b. The whale shark is light blue and dots on its body. c. The whale shark is light blue and the whale shark has dots on its body. d. The whale shark is light blue and has dots on its body. • Which sentence is more correct? Pilih salah satu: a. The whale shark is light blue, the whale shark has dots on its body. b. The whale shark is light blue and dots on its body. c. The whale shark is light blue and the whale shark has dots on its body. d. The whale shark is light blue and has dots on its body. • Which sentence is more correct? Pilih salah satu: a. The whale shark is light blue, the whale shark has dots on its body. b. The whale shark is light blue and dots on its body. c. The whale shark is light blue and the whale shark has dots on its body. d. The whale shark is light blue and has dots on its body. • Which sentence is more correct? Pilih salah satu: a. The whale shark is light blue, the whale shark has dots on its body. b. The whale shark is light blue and dots on its body. c. The whale shark is light blue and the whale shark has dots on its body. d. The whale shark is light blue and has dots on its body. • Which sentence is more correct? Pilih salah satu: a. The whale shark is light blue, the whale shark has dots on its body. b. The whale shark is light blue and dots on its body. c. The whale shark is light blue and the whale shark has dots on its body. d. The whale shark is light blue and has dots on its body.


1. D. the whale shark is light blue and has dots on its body


2. based on the announcement above, the meeting would be heid i

in Gilmer Country Court House


The meeting will be held in Gilmer Country Court House at 6.00 pm.

Best Regards.

3. heidi menabung di bank sebesar Rp2.250.000,00.besar bunga tunggal per tahun adalah 10%.jika heidi mengambil tabungan setelah 150 hari sebesar 1jt maka sisa tabungan heidi adalah...​


Dik: tabungan heidi di bank = 2.250.000

besar bunga / tahun = 10%

pengambilan uang setelah 150 hari = 5 bulan

Dit: sisa uang heidi.......?


= bunga 1 tahun =10/100 × 2.250.000 =225.000

= bunga 5 bulan = 5/12×225.000 =93.750

= bunga 1 tahun+ 5 bulan = 225.000 + 93.750 =318.750

= sisa tabungan heidi = 2.250.000 + 318.750 - 1.000.000 = 1.568.750

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

150 hari = 5 bulan

bunga = 5/12 x 10% x 2.250.000

= 93.750,00

total tabungan = 2.250.000 + 93.750 - 1.000.000

= 1.343.750

4. : "Do you have to go so soon?": "Yes, good night, Heidi."7. Stephany: "I'm afraid, I'll have to gonow."HeidiStephanyHeidi: "Good night. See youtomorrow."The italicized utterance means thatStephany wanted ... Heidi​


to meet heidei



5. Practice 1 1. Shark habitat 2. Shark diet 3. Shark special features 4. Shark breathing system 5. The benefit of shark for the ecosystem Soal ada di foto ke 2


1. Sharks have diverse habitats around the world, from shallow mangroves to tropical coral reefs to arctic waters. Until now, about 500 species of sharks have been recorded and possibly many more have not been found.

2. As a group, sharks and batoids eat almost anything: fishes, crustaceans, molluscs, marine mammals, and other sharks. While some sharks are probably not very selective feeders, certain sharks eat some foods more than others.

3. Sharks do not have bones. ...

Most sharks have good eyesight. ...

Sharks have special electroreceptor organs. ...

Shark skin feels similar to sandpaper. ...

Sharks can go into a trance. ...

Sharks have been around a very long time. ...

Scientists age sharks by counting the rings on their vertebrae. ...

Blue sharks are really blue.

4. Sharks breathe chiefly by opening the mouth while expanding the mouth-throat (bucco-pharyngeal) cavity and contracting the gill pouches to close the gill slits.

5. As apex predators, sharks play an important role in the ecosystem by maintaining the species below them in the food chain and serving as an indicator for ocean health. They help remove the weak and the sick as well as keeping the balance with competitors helping to ensure species diversity.


6. Heidi menabung di bank sebesar Rp.2.250.000. Besar bunga pertahun adalah 10%. Jika Heidi mengambil tabungan setelah 150 hari sebesar Rp.1.000.000 maka sisa tabungan Heidi adalah.....

10% * 2250000 = 225000 / tahun

1 bulan = 18750

150 hari = 5 bulan
5* 18750 = 93750

2250000 + 93750 - 1000000 = Rp 1.343.750

7. heidi awuy harp school ada di kota mana?

Balai Resital Kertanegara, Jakarta Selatan

(klo ga salah)

8. Saat pertama kali heid apa saja yg kita belum mengalami

rasa nyeri di perut dan rasa sakitnya seperti melahirkan

9. Heidi menabung di bank sebesar rp2.250.000,00. Besar bunga tunggal per tahun adalah 10%. Jika Heidi mengambil tabungan setelah 150 hari sebesar 1jt, maka sisa tabungan Heidi adalah Tolong bantu ya besok dikumpulin:)



10. Terjemahkan, Ho ma jolo pasahathon tona on tu ibana

Ho Jolo pasahathon ma tu-nada pada Sabana" kay lah yang pertama kali menyampaikan pesan/nasihat ini sama dia "

11. terjemahkan, di ho do ate-ate ni manuk on

Mapel: Bahasa daerah
Kategori: Bahasa daerah batak
Kata kunci: kata benda
Kode mapel: 13

di ho do ate-ate ni manuk on artinya maukah kamu hati ayam ini

Ate-ate artinya hati

soal-soal lain untuk belajar materi tentang bahasa batak: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/15166282

12. heidi menabung 2.250.000


heidi 2 tahun yang lalu menabung uang senilai RP.2.250.000 dan pada tahun ini senilain 1.320.000,berapa jumlah tabungan heidi 2 tahun lalu dan sekarang?




berilah terimakasih sebanyak banyk nyaaa

13. terjemahkah, olo do ho manggalehon hepeng on tu ibana

Mapel: Bahasa daerah
Kategori: Bahasa daerah batak
Kata kunci: awalan ma-
Kode mapel: 13

olo do ho manggalehon hepeng on tu ibana artinya maukah kamu memberikan uang itu kepadanya

Manggalehon artinya memberi

soal-soal lain untuk belajar materi tentang bahasa batak: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14950712

14. siapa tokoh tokoh dalam cerita heidi

tokoh-tokohnya adalah heidiheidi, nenek peter,clara,paman alm

15. a white shark is....a black shark.

different from

semoga membantubigger than a black shark

16. suci dari heid wanita termasuk puasa

kalau wanita haid(menstruasi) cpt² dihilangkan

17. heidi menabung di bank sebesar Rp 2250000 besar bunga tungal per tahun 10% .jika heidi mengambil tabungan setelah 150 hari sebesar Rp 1.000.000 rupiah .maka sisa tabungan heidi adalah

semoga membantu anda

18. Heidi menabung di bank sebesar Rp.2.250.000 besar bunga tunggal per tahun adalah 10%. Jika heidi mengambil tabungan setelah 150 hari sebesar Rp.1.000.000, maka sisa tabungan heidi adalah? *tolong pakai cara, mau dikumpulkan besok. Mohon bantuannya:))

B = M x i x t
[tex] = 2.250.000 \times \frac{10}{100} \times \frac{150}{360} \\ = \frac{3.375.000.000}{36.000} \\ = 93.750[/tex]
Mn = M + B
[tex] = 2.250.000 + 93.750 \\ = 2.343.750[/tex]
Diambil 1.000.000
[tex]2.343.750 - 1.000.000 = 1.343.750[/tex]

19. Rearrange the sentences below into a good dialogue.DIALOG 1Melia : Hey, Nadia, where are you going?Melia : YeahMelia : It’s okay. Most people have ever experienced it.Melia : What? You work on weekends?Melia : Yes, today is Sunday.Melia : So, why are you going to the office on Sunday?Heidi : Oh, no. I woke up very late this morning. I think I’ve lost my mind.Heidi : What?Sunday?Heidi : I am going to the office.Heidi : What day is it today? Sunday?Heidi : No, I don’t work on weekends.​


mana saya tau


saya kan ikan


Melia : Hey, Nadia, where are you going?

Heidi : I am going to the office.

Melia : What? You work on weekends?

Heidi : No, I don’t work on weekends.

Melia : So, why are you going to the office on Sunday?

Heidi : What day is it today? Sunday?

Melia : Yes, today is Sunday.

Heidi : What?Sunday?

Melia : Yeah

Heidi : Oh, no. I woke up very late this morning. I think I’ve lost my mind.

Melia : It’s okay. Most people have ever experienced it.

20. terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia aha do on, naing tudia ho

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Mau Kemana Dirimu
apa ini,mau kemana kau

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