Why Did Morgan Choose Drosophila For His Genetics Experiments

Why Did Morgan Choose Drosophila For His Genetics Experiments

Why Did Morgan Choose Drosophila For His Genetics Experiments?

Ease of Experimentation

The main reason why Morgan chose Drosophila for his genetics experiments was because of its ease of experimentation. Drosophila has a short life cycle of about 2 weeks, which makes it easy to observe the effects of genetics in a short period of time. Additionally, Drosophila is easily manipulated in the laboratory, which allows for a variety of genetic experiments to be conducted quickly and efficiently.

Availability of Mutants

Another factor that made Drosophila attractive to Morgan was the availability of mutants. Mutants are organisms with genetic mutations that cause them to have different characteristics than the wild type. By using mutants, Morgan was able to study the effects of genetics on a wide range of different traits. The abundance of mutants available in Drosophila made it a great choice for his experiments.

Ease of Crossing

Morgan also chose Drosophila because of its ease of crossing. Drosophila is a species of fruit fly, which means that it is able to easily mate with different individuals. This allowed Morgan to quickly and easily cross different individuals to study the effects of genetic combinations.

Cheap and Readily Available

Finally, Drosophila was attractive to Morgan because it was cheap and readily available. At the time, Drosophila was a common pest in many areas, which meant that it was easy to obtain and didn’t require a lot of money. This allowed Morgan to easily acquire the specimens he needed for his experiments.


In conclusion, Morgan chose Drosophila for his genetics experiments because of its ease of experimentation, availability of mutants, ease of crossing, and affordability. By using Drosophila, Morgan was able to quickly and easily conduct a variety of genetic experiments that helped advance our understanding of genetics.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. why did you choose kitty hawk for the first light

Kenapa kamu memilih kucing elang untuk penerangan pertama?

kalau artinya kira kira begitu
maaf kalau salah ya kak :')

2. Why did you choose kitty hawk for the first sight ?

What is the story about?

3. Why did you choose kitty hawk for the first flight

Because the kitty hawk presents a different atmosphere to its own

Maunya sih:'v


Why did you (Wright Brothers) choose kitty hawk for the first flight?

= Kenapa kalian (Wright Bersaudara) memilih Kitty hawk untuk penerbangan pertama?


Orville said that Kitty Hawk had a hill, good breezes, and was sandy. The condition would help soften the landings in case of crash.

= Orville mengatakan bahwa Kitty Hawk memiliki bukit, angin sepoi-sepoi yang bagus, dan berpasir. Kondisi itu akan membantu melunakkan pendaratan jika terjadi kecelakaan.


Wright Brothers (Orville dan Willbur) adalah penemu pesawat, dan Pertanyaan ini berasal dari seorang Host yg mewancarai mereka.

=====Semoga Membantu=======

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Wawancara Wright Brothers

Kode Mapel: 5

4. 7. Why did the writer choose a pick-up for his car? BecauseAthe car is quite cheapB.he loved doing outdoor activityC.he wanted to drive to his schoolD he enjoyed the accessories of the carE. his father suggested him to have that car​


maaf kak ndak ada gambar atau teks terkait kah?


E. his father suggested to have that car


i hope this helps.

sorry if the answer is wrong

5. Edison was twelve when started working on a train............ money for his experiments

Edison berusia 12 tahun bekrta hari sabtu di kreta api...... uang eksperime nya

maaf klo salah

6. arti why did you choose kitty hawk

mengapa kamu memilih kucing elang?kenapa kamu memilih kiwi elang

7. Why did the king find difficult to choose the son-in-law?​


○All the princes shot their arrows perfectly


maaf kalau salah


B. All the princes shot their arrows perfectly.

8. why did you choose your school?

i chose my school for its reputation.
i chose my school for its teachers and i chose my school for the safe environment surround. my school has facilities to support students activities. those were the reasons why i did choose my school.

my school doesnt have to have many floors and it doesnt have to impress people how good was it as well.

my school was clean and tidy that's the main important reason where students felt comfort and safebecause its my favorite school since i was in elementary.this environment is very comfortable for me and my score is enough to enter this school

9. Apa terjemahan dari kata why did you choose kitty hwak

Mengapa anda memilih kitty hwak
Maaf kalau salah

10. Why did valerie choose the hotel?

mengapa valerie memilih hotel?

11. bentuk kalimat positif dan negatif dari kalimat " why did you choose kitty hawk ? "

(+) You choose kitty hawk.
(-) You didn't choose kitty hawk.+. i choose kitty hawk
-. i didn't choose kitty hawk

12. Why did IB choose french as a language that is possible to learn in


Languages that the IB has identified as being of strategic importance to meet its access goals and objectives to develop a more inclusive and diverse IB community


maap klo clah

13. why did you choose to apply a asistent butler ?​


Thank you for the question, first because i have experience as assistant butler at my previous job, and secondly i think i have the ability to manage and organize well and also efficient, and become a butler is my dream so to achieve that i must have a lot of experience start from assistant butler, that's all thank you

Jawaban: because i need help to asist me with stuff.


Karena saya butuh bantuan untuk membantu saya dengan hal"

14. apa arti dari why did the writer choose a train to reach jogjakarta


Arti kalimat b.inggris ke b.indonesia adalah:

Mengapa penulis memilih kereta api untuk mencapai (kota / tujuan) Jogjakarta?

Semoga Bermanfaat yaa....

15. why did you choose them? Dan terjemahkan


why did you choose them?

kenapa kau memilih mereka?


semoga membantu:)

16. 20Choose the best option.Robert introduced(his new girlfriend tohis mom/his new girlfriend for hismom)(5 Poin)Masukkan jawaban Anda}​


Robert introduced his new girlfriend to his mom.

17. artikan ke bahasa indonesia why did the writer and his/her friends choose toget down at tugu station

± kenapa penulis dan teman-temannya memilih turun di stasiun tugumengapa penulis dan teman-temannya memilih untuk turun di stasiun tugu

18. What kind of food do you consume regularty? why did you choose it.



I eat a variety of 'nutrient-dense foods' from the different food groups. I choose to eat a variety of foods in order to get the essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that my body needs to stay healthy. Eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods also helps to provide a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and helps to ensure I get the recommended daily intake of essential nutrients.


Saya makan berbagai makanan "kaya nutrisi" dari kelompok makanan yang berbeda. Saya memilih untuk makan berbagai makanan untuk mendapatkan nutrisi penting seperti vitamin dan mineral yang dibutuhkan tubuh saya untuk tetap sehat. Mengonsumsi berbagai makanan padat nutrisi juga membantu memberikan keseimbangan karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak yang baik, dan membantu memastikan saya mendapatkan asupan nutrisi penting harian yang direkomendasikan.


Mapel = English

Materi = Foods

19. Apa jawabannya 3.Did you make the actual plane ? 4.Why did you choose Kitty Hawk for the first flight ? 5.How long did the first flight last ?

3. Yes, I did.
4. Kitty Hawk has a hill, a good wind, and sand. That conditions will help the soft landing in case of accident.
5. It's about 12 seconds.
Semoga membbantu.

20. why did you choose administration department?

Dalam bahasa Indonesia: "mengapa Anda memilih departemen administrasi?"
Mengapa kamu / anda memilih administrator departemen ? maaf kalau salah
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