Things To Avoid Crossword

Things To Avoid Crossword

The topic of this crossword puzzle is Things To Avoid. It is a great way to learn about common things that can be dangerous, unhealthy, or otherwise undesirable. **Question:** What type of things are featured in this crossword puzzle? The crossword puzzle features common things that can be dangerous, unhealthy, or otherwise undesirable.

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1. things we have to do to avoid education failure

Do your best
if there's any failure
dont blame government, blame yourself.
keep study hard.
and stay curious.-Stop wasting your time on games and read some books
-Never give up
-Learn from your failures
-Study Harder
-Avoid drugs,cigarettes,and alcoholic drinks, and if a student asks you to join, reject it. if you do, you'll want more and forget about your studies.
-Don't date when you are still a student, because you'll always think of your couple and you'll fail.
-Avoid school fights. you might get injured and can't study anymore, or worse, death.

2. what things should you do to avoid the covid 19 virus?​


Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.

Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.

Avoid touching your face.

Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

Stay home if you feel unwell.

Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.

Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.


mencuci tangan mengunakan sabun(wash your hands using soap)

memakai masker dan antiseptik(wearing masks and antiseptics)

hindari kerumunan(avoid the crowd)

jaga→ jarak(guard → distance)

dirumah aja(stay at home)


maaf maaf kali kalo salah



1. must lockdown and must not going out

2. must wash the hand and use soap must not to not wash hand

3. if coughing must in close must not if coughing not in close

4. if sick must go to hospital and must not if sick you not go to hospital



4. contoh ungkapan: 1. to give things or something? 2. to offer things? 3. to ask for things? 4. to reject things or something you are
2.Would you like some coffe ?
3.can i have some candy,please ?
4.Im afraid i can't 1. Here you go
2. Can I offer you some muffin?
3. Would you pass me the sugar, please?
4. No, thank you/ No, I'm fine.

5. tolong bantu saya pembahasannya "you need to read the instructions first before operating this tool"The word in italics means....A. the things you shouldn't doB. the things you need to avoidC. the things that you have been told to doD. the things you need to remember​




karena klo diartikan soalnya itu "kamu harus membaca instruksi terlebih dahulu sebelum memakai alat ini"

dan di pilihan ada

A.hal yang seharusnya tidak kamu lakukan

b.hal yang harus kamu hindari

c.hal yg diperintahkan kepada mu

d.hal yang harus kamu ingat

maaf klo salah

semoga membantu^^

6. how to avoid ethnocentrism​

- Provide high tolerance for cultures that are different from ours.

- Respect for different ethnicities, religions and races.

- If the problem is due to miss communication, it can be done by holding mediation between tribal or regional heads.

7. how to avoid travel sickness

The answer : 2, 4,5,7

Semoga membantu :)

8. Soal ujian nasional smp bahasa inggris The text means what we A. can play at the site because it is safe to waste things there. B. should avoid the area because it is dangerous for our health C. must breathe well in order to avoid getting lung disease and cancer D. have to dispose our abestos at the site to avoid having dangerous illness

B. should avoid the area because it is dangerous for our health

9. Task 21 work together with your partner to complete this crossword puzzle








10. animals move to avoid ..........................


Avoiding / coping with unfavorable environments


Mff klo salah ya

11. makna dari "avoid exposure to light!" adalah

hindari paparan cahaya

12. caring taken to avoid danger or mistakes​


pertanyaannya gmn dulu bang? :v

13. you avoid eating sweets​

"Anda Menghindari Makan Permen"


arti dari

"You... to Avoid Eating Sweets"

14. 22. we should cross in zebra crossing so that... a.we avoid the accident b. to avoid the accident avoid the car d. we avoid the police​


a. we avoid the accident


we should cross in zebra crossing so that we (can) avoid the accident


B. to avoid the accident


we should cross in zebra crossing so that...

a. we avoid the accident

b. to avoid the accident

c. to avoid the car

d. we avoid the police​

15. To avoid the machine beroken​

Artinya : Untuk menghindari mesin yang rusak

Maaf kalau salah

Ganbatte ne!


16. tts back to school crossword pulze

tts kembali ke teka-teki silang sekolah

17. ways to avoid having a poor life

-Don't be a greedy person
-Share with everyone what you have
-Work hard
-Work smart
-Don't be a lazy person
-Always pray to the god
- work hard, don't be lazy
- be kind to people, even though you're smart, if you have a bad personality, nobody wants to work with you
- education is important, but your experience and portofolio worth more (since not everyone can afford education)
- always remember that something good takes time, it won't happen in a day, so never give up

semoga membantu :)

18. "To avoid" has the same meaning with

has the same meaning as "away from"

I hope this helps :)

"To avoid" has the same meaning with "to prevent"

19. you ____ to avoid eating sweets​


maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu ^^

You Need / Have to avoid eating sweets

20. how the way to avoid the virus​


1.wash hands. 2.use a mask. 3.maintain endurance. 4.apply physical distancing and independendent isolaton. the house and disinfecton regularly penjelasan:maaf kalo salah

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