What Is The Range Of Y Log8x

What Is The Range Of Y Log8x

What Is The Range Of Y Log8x?


The range of y log8x is the set of all possible values that the function y log8x can take. This range is determined by the domain of the function, which is all real numbers (x) greater than 0.

Calculating the Range

The range of y log8x can be calculated by taking the logarithm of 8x and then solving for y. Since the logarithm of 8x is y, the range of y log8x is all real numbers (y) greater than or equal to 0.


For example, if we take x = 8, then the range of y log8x is y = 1, since log8 8 = 1. Similarly, if we take x = 64, then the range of y log8x is y = 2, since log8 64 = 2.

Graphical Representation

The range of y log8x can be represented graphically by plotting the points (x, y) on a Cartesian plane. The resulting graph will be a straight line with a positive slope and a y-intercept of 0.
In conclusion, the range of y log8x is all real numbers (y) greater than or equal to 0. This range can be calculated algebraically or graphically.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 2 10 5 15 5 xThe median of the five numbers in the box is 10. The range is 12.a What is the value of x?b What is the mean? ​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]R(X) = 12 = \text {Max(X) - Min(X)}\\\\\text{diasumsikan : Min(X) = 5, Max(X) = x}\\\\12 = x-5\\\\\boxed{x = 17 }[/tex]

[tex]M = 10, \;X_a = \{5,5\}, \; X_b = \{15,17\}\\\\\text{Total Jarak $X_a$ ke 10 = } 5\cdot 2 = 10\\\\\text{Total Jarak $X_b$ ke 10 = } 5 + 7 = 12\\\\\text{Mean dari X akan ditemukan bila Total jarak $X_a$ dan $X_b$ ke mean sama}\\\\\;X_a = \{5,5\}, \; X_b' = \{15,15\} \\\\M = \bar{X'} = 10\\\\\boxed{\bar{X} = \bar{X'} + \dfrac{17- 15}{2}= 10+0.4=10.4}[/tex]

2. the indonesian of mountain range is

sewu mountain range in java

3. what are the dangers of Ari range toward flying​

Ini pertanyaan??

tanda tanya nya mana?? mo

4. Consider a solution of two similar liquids which are miscible in all proportions over a wide range of temperature. The excess Gibbs energy of this solution is adequately represented by the equation gE = Ax2 where A is a constant depending only on temperature. Over a wide range of temperature the ratio of the vapor pressures of the pure components is constant and equal to 1.649. Over this same range of temperature the vapor phase may be considered ideal. We want to find out whether or not this solution has an azeotrope. Find the range of values ​​A may have for azeotropy to occur.


hmmmmm it's π hope it's helo

5. Millions of people visit the Great Wall every year. The wall is magnificent. It was built along a mountain range. It was used to defend the country from enemies. What is the text about? A. The panda. B. The Great Wall. C. The uniqueness of China. D. The fauna living in China. The greatness of the Great Wall​


b. the great wall

semoga membantu. jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

6. after studying the train schedule above, answer the following question 1. what train station which has the earliest departure? 2. what train station which has the latest departure? 3.what is the longest range between arrival and departure. 4. what is the shortest range between arrival and departure?​


1. Kebumen

2. Purwokerto

3. 10 minutes

4. 2 minutes

7. 1.what train station which has the earliest departure ?2.what train station which has the latest departure ? 3.what is longest range between arrival and departure? 4.what is shortest range between arrival and departure ? ​

Jawab: KA 40 Kebumen train station has the earliest departure. (It is at 00:09)KA 39 Purwokerto train station has the latest departure. (It is at 23:40)The longest range between arrival and departure is 15 minutes. (KA 40 Gambir)The shortest range between arrival and departure is 2 minutes. (KA 39 Kepanjen)



Soal dan jawaban:

Stasiun KA mana yang berangkat paling awal? KA 40 Kebumen, pukul 00.09Stasiun KA mana yang berangkat paling malam? KA 39 Purwokerto, pukul 23.40Berapa jarak waktu paling lama antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan? Lima belas menit, KA 40 Gambir. Berapa jarak waktu paling pendek antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan? Dua menit, KA 39 Kepanjen.


✏️ semangat belajar....

8. 20. "Please keep your distance ....What is the closest meaning of 'distance'?A. WayB. RangeC. OptionD. Destination​


B. Range

semoga bermanfaat, follow juga yaa

9. 1. what train station which has the earliest departure?2. what train station which has the latest departure?3. what is the longest range between arrival and departure?4. what is the shortest range between arrival and departure? ​

Jawab: KA 40 Kebumen train station has the earliest departure. (It is at 00:09)KA 39 Purwokerto train station has the latest departure. (It is at 23:40)The longest range between arrival and departure is 15 minutes. (KA 40 Gambir)The shortest range between arrival and departure is 2 minutes. (KA 39 Kepanjen)



Soal dan jawaban:

Stasiun KA mana yang berangkat paling awal? KA 40 Kebumen, pukul 00.09Stasiun KA mana yang berangkat paling malam? KA 39 Purwokerto, pukul 23.40Berapa jarak waktu paling lama antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan? Lima belas menit, KA 40 Gambir. Berapa jarak waktu paling pendek antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan? Dua menit, KA 39 Kepanjen.


✏️ semangat belajar....

10. 1. what train station which has the earliest departure?2. what train station which has the latest departure?3. what is the longest range between arrival and departure?4. what is the shortest range between arrival and departure? ​


KA 40 Kebumen train station has the earliest departure. (It is at 00:09)

KA 39 Purwokerto train station has the latest departure. (It is at 23:40)

The longest range between arrival and departure is 15 minutes. (KA 40 Gambir)

The shortest range between arrival and departure is 2 minutes. (KA 39 Kepanjen)



Soal dan jawaban:

Stasiun KA mana yang berangkat paling awal? KA 40 Kebumen, pukul 00.09

Stasiun KA mana yang berangkat paling malam? KA 39 Purwokerto, pukul 23.40

Berapa jarak waktu paling lama antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan? Lima belas menit, KA 40 Gambir.

Berapa jarak waktu paling pendek antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan? Dua menit, KA 39 Kepanjen.

jadiin jawaban terbaik


Reading Comprehension:

1. what train station which has the earliest departure?

KA 40 has the earliest departure from Kebumen train station at 00.09 a.m.

2. what train station which has the latest departure?

KA 39 has the latest departure from Purwokerto train station at 23.40 p.m.

3. what is the longest range between arrival and departure?

The longest range between arrival and departure from Gambir train station (KA 40) at around 15 minutes (05.35 p.m to 05.50 p.m.)

4. what is the shortest range between arrival and departure?

The shortest range between arrival and departure is two minutes (Kepanjen & Jatinegara train station).


Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan data dalam tabel pada soal sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman membaca:

1. stasiun kereta mana yang paling awal keberangkatannya?

KA 40 berangkat paling awal dari Stasiun Kebumen pada pukul 00.09 WIB.

2. stasiun kereta api mana yang paling lambat keberangkatannya?

KA 39 berangkat paling lambat dari Stasiun Purwokerto pada pukul 23.40 WIB.

3. berapa jarak terjauh antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan?

Rentang terlama antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan dari stasiun kereta api Gambir (KA 40) sekitar 15 menit (05.35 sampai 17.50).

4. berapa jarak terpendek antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan?

Jarak terpendek antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan adalah dua menit (stasiun Kepanjen & Jatinegara).

Semoga membantu ya.

11. Lanjutan text:The Yogya kembali Monument is surrounded by fish ponds. It is divided into four alleys which lead to the main building. The main building consists of different floors displaying a wide range of collections during and after the war times. It shows dioramas, carved reliefs or collections of clothes and weapons. A. What is the topic of the text? B. What can be found in the western entrance of the monument? C. "It is divided into four alleys which lead to the main building. " (paragraph 3)What does the word 'it' refer to? TOLONG DIBANTU YAKmakasiii

1. Yogya Kembali
2. Guntai Aircraft
3. it = The Yogya Kembali

12. Mention the range of transportation!










Pedicab,bus,motorcycle,car,helicopter,ship,boat dll

13. The quadratic equation ( 1 + k) xkuadrat 4kx + 9 = 0 has two distinct real number roots. The range of values of k is....

syarat memuliki 2 akar real yang berbeda adalah D > 0
D = b² - 4ac

(1 +k)x² + 4kx + 9
D > 0
(4k)² - 4(1+k)(9) > 0
16k² - 36 - 36 k > 0
4k² - 9k - 9 > 0
(4k + 3)(k - 3) > 0
k = -3/4 ATAU k = 3

     -3/4        3
karena kurang dari, maka daerah yang negatif jawabannya -3/4 < x < 3

Maaf kalau salah^^

14. 0range the jumbled Wor1.hobby -.- is - his - browsing the internet2.? - is - what – hobby - your3.Randy's - hobby - what - ? - is4.is - my brother's - .- climbing - hobby5. my- is - . - watching movies - hobby​


1. his hobby is browsing the internet

2. what is your hobby?

3. what is Randy's hobby?

4. my brother's hobby is climbing

5. my hobby is watching movies



1. his hobby is browsing the internet

2. what is your hobby?

3. what is randy's hobby?

4.my brother's hobby is climbing

5. my hobby is watching movies

15. Given the data : x, ( 2x – 4 ), 6, 7. If the mean of the data is 6, then the range of the data is

Chapter : Statistic

x , (2x - 4) , 6 , 7

x` = (sum of data) / (lots of data)

6 = (x + 2x - 4 + 6 + 7) / 4

6 = (3x + 9)

24 = 3x + 9

x = 5

So we got the range of data is :

R = 7 - x

R = 7 - 5

R = 2

16. The range of values of x + 1 < 14 and 2x + 3 > 11 is...​


4<x<11 or (4, 11)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

x+1 < 14

x < 14 - 1

x < 13

2x + 3 > 11

2x > 8

x > 8/2

x > 4

so, the solution is


or another writing

(4, 13)


{5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

x + 1 < 14

= x < 13 (x is smaller than 13)


2x + 3 > 11

= 2x > 8

= x > 4 (x is bigger than 4)

Then we can say that x is bigger than 4 and smaller than 3, therefore we can simplify it as the inequality below:

4 < x < 13

And the range of possible values of x will be {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}

Hope this helps :D

17. What ecological factors limit the geographic range of a species​


Ecological factors that limit the geographic range of a sspecies:

1. water source

2. edible plants

3. weather, season

4. geomorphology

18. 29 Write a different number in each box so that the median of the four numbers is 8 and the range is 5tolong jawab​

semoga membantu

tolong kasih mahkota yaa, thanks

19. What does the opacity of an image define? A. The opaqueness of the image B. The color range of the image C. The dimensions of the image D. The file size of the image

the opaque nest of the image karena itu sangat membantu pikiran saya sependapat soal ini dan kalo nggak salah terhadap A930 percaya Cari aja di Google Kenapa speaker

20. A catapult projects a stone with an initial velocity of 15 m/s and inclined at an angle of 60o to the horizontal ground. Assume that air resistance is negligible. What is the angle of projection that will give the stone maximum range?

What is the angle of projection that will give the stone maximum range?

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