The Following 11 second Excerpt Represents Word Painting In:

The Following 11 second Excerpt Represents Word Painting In:

Word Painting In Music

Word painting is a compositional technique used in music to reflect the meaning of the lyrics or text in the music. It involves using musical devices to create a sound that reflects the meaning of the words. Word painting can be used to create vivid imagery, to emphasize certain words or phrases, or to make a song more memorable.

What is Word Painting?

Word painting is a technique used by composers to musically express the meaning of the lyrics or text in a song. It involves using musical devices to create a sound that reflects the meaning of the words. Word painting is often used to create vivid imagery, emphasize certain words or phrases, or make a song more memorable.

Examples of Word Painting

Word painting can be used to create a vivid musical description of words or phrases. For example, a composer may use a higher pitch to emphasize a word like "high" or "above". Another example of word painting is using a descending line to reflect a feeling of sadness or loss. Word painting can also be used to create a more memorable melody by emphasizing certain words or phrases.
The Benefits of Word Painting
Word painting is a useful tool for composers to create vivid imagery and to make a song more memorable. It can also help the listener to better understand and connect with the lyrics. When used effectively, word painting can add an extra layer of meaning to a song and make the composition more interesting and powerful.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. The word sensitive in the second paragraph could best be replaced by the word:


2. The word special in the second paragraph is closets in meaning to:

"Kata spesial di paragraf kedua, paling dekat artinya:"
No text no answer ✖
Tidak ada teks tidak ada jawaban ✖
Smoga membantu^^

3. 50. The word "isolation" in thesecond paragraph is closest inmeaning to​


quarantine, insulation, protection


4. Which of the following represents the number two tenths in decimal form?a. 0.20000 c. 0.002000b. 0.40000d. 2.00000​


A: two tenths is equal to zero point two

5. change the following into interrogative form 1.the painting displaye in front of the room looks so colorful​


(+) The painting displayed in front of the room looks so colorful.



Kalimat di atas menggunakan Past Simple Tense.

Past Simple Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lalu.

Dalam kalimat positif, Past Simple Tense menggunakan Verb 2 sebagai kata kerja.

Dalam semua subject, Past Simple Tense menggunakan to be yang sama, yaitu did.

Adapun rumus dari kalimat Past Simple Tense, yaitu:

(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object (+ Adverb)

(-) Subject + "didn't"/"did not" + Verb 1 + Object (+ Adverb)

(?) "Did" + Subject + Verb 1 + Object (+ Adverb)

Note : Adverb adalah keterangan waktu.

I hope this helpsthemarblerace

6. The word they in the second sentence o f the first paragraph refers to:

maaf y klo salah

7. What does the word “he” in the second sentence refer to?


Apa arti kata "dia" dalam kalimat kedua?


maaf kalo salah

8. there-a-is-the-in-painting-classroom

jawaban: there is the painting in a classroom

9. Find a word that represents a minimal pair of the following numbers a. main - b. they - c. jane - d. suffer - e. like -


e. like


Jawabannya e. karena like itu artinya seperti seperti itu bsa menggambarkan penyebutan minimal.

contoh seperti katak keong dll.


A. main room


B. They are both my friends


C. Hello Jane, how are you?


D. Patience means ready to suffer


E. i like your attitude




semoga membantu

10. The word broader in the last sentence of the second paragraph in closest in meaning to A.fatter B.extra C.wider D.many E.fewer

The word broader in the last sentence of the second paragraph in closest in meaning to c. wider.

11. There are 25 students performing in the holiday concert. Of the students, 11 are boys.What decimal represents the fraction of students that are boys?b. What percent represents the fraction of students that are boys?​

A. 11/25 x 4/4 = 44/100


B.44/100 = 44%

Maaf kalau salah


12. ma'am what is... of the word "skip" in the second setence of paragraph 1?

the meaning

Semoga membantu

13. use an orange colour pencil to trace the paths that represents closed circuits in the following diagrams


gunakan pensil warna oranye untuk melacak jalur yang mewakili sirkuit tertutup pada diagram berikut



14. What does the word “he” in the second sentence refer to?


he itu untuk laki-laki


maaf kalo salah aku agak bingung jugaa

15. The word fields in the second paragraph in closest in meaning to A.areas B.meadows C.studies E.farms

b. meadows karena fields : lapangan meadows : lapangan rumputThe word fields in the second paragraph in closest in meaning to a. areas

16. there-a-is-the-in-painting-classrom


there is a painting in the classroom.



there is a painting in the class room

17. susunlah he-in-painting-is-classroom-the​

he is painting in the classroom

He is painting in the classroom

semoga bermanfaat

18. What does the word ""he"" in the second sentence refer to?


word he refer to someone who had the same conversation

19. 6. The second letter of the word 'brick' is spelled​




second word atau huruf kedua




how to pronounce brick:


20. 2. What are the differences between these following sentences: Minnesota, which joined the Union in 1858, became the thirty-second state.andMinnesota, joining the Union in 1858, became the thirty-second state.​


The difference between those sentences is that in the first sentence it used a past tense "joined," and the second sentence used "joining" which is a continuous tense. So from that explanation we can conclude that the first sentence is stated when Minnesota had already became the thirty-second state, and the second sentence is stated when Minnesota was becoming the thirty-second state.


Semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah.

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