Clara Visits The Aquarium While On Vacation

Clara Visits The Aquarium While On Vacation

Clara Visits The Aquarium While On Vacation

The Adventure Begins

Clara is on vacation and decides to visit the local aquarium. She is excited to explore the wonders of the deep sea and to meet the colorful creatures that live there.

Exploring the Aquarium

Clara takes her time to explore the aquarium. She takes in the amazing sights and sounds of the sea life. She watches the fish swim in their tanks and discovers the different kinds of sea life that live in the aquarium.

Learning About the Sea Life

Clara also takes the opportunity to learn more about the different kinds of sea life. She reads about the different species and learns about their habits and habitats. She even gets to touch some of the creatures in the interactive displays.

Making New Friends

Clara also meets some of the people who work at the aquarium. She makes new friends who share her passion for sea life and she learns about the daily operations of the aquarium.

Souvenir Shopping

At the end of her visit, Clara visits the souvenir shop. She buys some souvenirs to take home with her as reminders of her wonderful time at the aquarium.

The End of an Amazing Adventure

Clara leaves the aquarium with a smile on her face and a newfound appreciation for the amazing creatures that live in the sea. She is excited to share her experiences with her family and friends and to tell them all about her wonderful visit to the aquarium.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. replace the word the correct pronoun. My mother always visits the orphans on Friday. My mother always visits... on friday

My mother always visits THEM on friday

2. ubah kalimat dibawah menjadi kalimat aktif/active voice : the house had been broken into by someone while the owners were on vacation


Someone had broke into the house while the owners were on vacation.

Hope it help you =)

3. Clara meets her friend her friend, brave on the way to her office Clara:hi, breve breve: Clara Clara ​


Clara bertemu temannya temannya, berani dalam perjalanan ke kantornya Clara:hai, breve breve: Clara Clara


semoga membantu

4. She …. the museum with their school friends last vacation.* A. Visit B. visits C. visiting D. visited ​



She …. the museum with their school friends last vacation.*

A. Visit B. visits C. visiting D. visited






dia mengunjungi museum dengan teman sekolahnya



5. change the following sentences into past tense ? example : he visits the museum on his way home ​


6. Exercise. 31. Girls carry more things than boys on vacation.2. You cannot buy things of your destination.3. you don't need to have your work on vacation.4. Enjoy the beach in front of you while working on your laptor.5. You my carry your compoter so that you can save your data on it.6. You have to carry your own meals on vacation.7. scuba diving is a suggested activity while on vacation.8. vacation are the most valuable part of ife.9. A camera is really needed on vacation.10. Riding horses is not sugested. ​


Olahraga. 3

1. Anak perempuan membawa lebih banyak barang daripada anak laki-laki saat liburan.

2. Anda tidak dapat membeli barang-barang di tempat tujuan Anda.

3. Anda tidak perlu bekerja saat liburan.

4. Nikmati pantai di depan Anda sambil melatih laptor Anda.

5. Anda saya membawa compoter Anda sehingga Anda dapat menyimpan data Anda di dalamnya.

6. Anda harus membawa makanan sendiri saat liburan.

7. scuba diving adalah kegiatan yang disarankan saat berlibur.

8. Liburan adalah bagian paling berharga dari ife.

9. Kamera sangat dibutuhkan saat liburan.

10. Menunggang kuda tidak disarankan.



7. 1. do you go to the beach on your vacation? yes, i ___ to the beach2. do you go to the mountain on you vacation? yes, i ___ camping and hiking3. do you go to the zoo on vacation? no. i ____. i _____ to museums ​


1. yes, i go to the beach.

2. yes, i go to camping and hiking.

3. no. i don't. i go to museums.

semoga membantu yaa!

8. How did the writer and his/her family travel on vacation ?​


[tex]what \: story \: do \: u \: wanna \: ask[/tex]

[tex]plz \: explain \: to \: me[/tex]


9. aldo and his famili (.....)karimun java on the last school vacation​

Aldo and his family went to karimun java on the last school vacation

10. where is the man going on vacation? a.italy b.france c.germany

B.france sih ya

11. 1. When will the writer go on vacation?Answer: ....​


jawabannya ya baca teks nya dulu


atau kalo mau nanyak teks nya jgk ditulis disini


translet aja, biar yau ap yg disuruh perintah

12. based on the text,clara's family hope that clara

C. has spirit for other contest
smoga bs membantu maaf bila salah thxC. Has spirit for other contest.

Jadi supaya anaknya semangat untuk ikut lomba lain soalnya di juara itu dia cuma juara 2.

13. When will the writer go on vacation


when looking to find inspiration for his work

follow me ok


Kapan penulis akan pergi berlibur

14. yang lebih cocok yg mana? She usually visits her grandmother on Saturdays atau Usually she visits her grandmother on Saturdays?

She usually visits her grandmother on SaturdayShe usually visits her grandmother on Saturdays

15. Based on the writer what is the purpose of having vacation


Berdasarkan penulis apa tujuan berlibur

16. based on writer,what is the purpose of having vacation


Jawabanya ada di soal coba cari kalimat yang menceritakan kenapa sang penulis pergi Vacation

17. My family and I will go on vacation, the plan is Sunday because Saturday my father is still in the office. We go on vacation so we can see the scenery on the beach? Ada yang bisa jawab pertanyaan saya

Jawaban: Beautyful place


18. read each of the following sentences.write "T" in the space provided if the sentence is true "F"if the sentence it false.1.____girls carry more things than boys on vacation2._____ You cannotbuy things at your destination.3.____You don't need to take your work on vacation.4.____Enjoy the beach in front of you while working on your laptop.5.____You may carry your computer so that you can save your data on it.6.___you have to carry your own meals on vacation.7.___Scuba diving is a suggested activity while on vacation8.___vacations are the most valuable part of life.9.___ A camera is really needed on vacation.10.____Riding horses is not suggested.Mohon bantuannya dong kk ​


1. T

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. T

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. F

19. myrna's hous is empty; the family......on vacation.

Myrna s house is empty; the family is going on vacationmyma's hous is empty , the family going on vavation

20. 00thecows ontheirYEC7m on weekhas. She visits thenearbyThins​


their : mereka

maaf klo salh

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