21 10 Military Time

21 10 Military Time

Welcome to our lesson on 21 10 Military Time! Military time is a standardized time-keeping system that is used by the military to keep track of time in a 24-hour period. This system is also used in some civilian settings. In this system, the hours are numbered from 00 to 23 instead of from 1 to 12. The minutes and seconds are still the same. For example, 21 10 Military Time would be 9:10 PM. What is the difference between military time and regular time? The main difference between military time and regular time is that in military time, the hours are numbered from 00 to 23 instead of from 1 to 12. This system is used for more precise time-keeping in the military and in some civilian settings.

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1. dampak bagi RI trjadinya agresi military 1 belanda pada 21 July 1947


Dampaknya adalah terjadinya permusuhan negara2 arab terhadap Belanda dan bersimpati terhadap indonesia

2. what do think about the indonesian military power compared to that of british army at that time?

We cannot compared millitary power but if see british have more power from indonesian but indonesian have more morale to increase the powerBack in the day, indonesian military are not as strong as they are now. They use simple and less sophisticated weapons during wars compared to the british army who use guns and other modern weapons.

3. What do you think about the indonesian military power compared to that of thr british army at that time? What made the indonesians dare to face the british amry military aggression?

I think british army was stronger than Indonesian,even though they were not that strong their bravery is stronger than british army

Cause their purpose is to make Indonesian freed from their colonialism and their attitude for Indonesian people

Sorry if im wrong or bad at this :)

4. ekspedisi military kedua dipimpin oleh

Pertama AMERIKA kedua RUSIA ketiga TIONGKOK(RRC)

5. What do think about the Indonesian military power compared to that of the British army at that time?

The powerful militaryindonesian army at this is time still lose compared to british army but doesn't mean indonesian army is not good army because indonesian army still one of the best army in the world

6. Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan military.

military = militer = ketentaraan


7. what do you think about the indonesian military power compared to that of the british at that time?

sorry i dont no
in fact i know but i forget to do
once again
sorrysorry, i am forget abiut that :)

8. what do think about the indonesian military power compared to that of the british army at the time

I think Indonesian military power is so very weak compared to the British army. This is due to the weakness of Indonesia's ideas would be developed, coupled with the level of education far behind them.

9. What do think about the Indonesian military power compared to that of the British Army at the time terjemahkan

what do think about the indonesian mikitary power compered to that of the british army at the time artinya " Apa yang dipikirkan tentang daya mumi Malaysia yang dikuasai tentara Inggris pada saat itu "

maaf kalau salah*artinya apa yang dipikirkan tentang kekuatan militer indonesia di bandingkan dengan tentara inggris pada saat itu

10. what do think about the Indonesian military power compared to that of the British army at that time?

Apa yang kalian pikirkan tentang kekuatan militer Indonesia dibandingkan dengan tentara Inggris pada saat itu?

maaf kalo salah
semoga membantu ^…^Well, I'm saying this from my point of view. Before starting, I'd like to say that this is only my humble opinion. You referred to a specific span of time but did not elaborate so my argument will be based on the 1940s.

Indonesia's military power was very weak at the time, we couldn't possibly compete with the British's military power; the gap was too big. Indonesia has little to no advanced weaponry, we relied on looting foreign soldiers to compensate our lack of weaponry. We could only rely on sharpened bamboo sticks at the time, while on the other hand, the British were already fixing themselves an army of atomic bombs and tanks.

Indonesia, of course, has more men compared to the British. We have a large population and we own an amazing amount of land to compensate the booming population. The British were outnumbered.

In conclusion, Indonesia tops in terms of manpower while Britain still holds the throne weaponry-wise. However, again, this is only my humble opinion.

11. What do think about the indonesian military power compared to that of the british army at that time? *


The Indonesian military strength at that time was still far away, and not at the level of the British military strength, which at that time already had modern weapons. At that time, Indonesian fighters only had sharp bamboo, disarming weapons, and citizens who were willing to defend the city of Surabaya and attack the British. However, the battle of Surabaya was the greatest and strongest battle of all time in the struggle for Indonesian independence. With minimal strength, Indonesian fighters were able to repel the British, and now they have become a symbol of Indonesian nationalism against colonialism or colonialism.

Artinya :

Kekuatan militer Indonesia saat itu masih jauh, dan belum setingkat dengan kekuatan militer Inggris yang saat itu sudah memiliki persenjataan modern. Saat itu pejuang Indonesia hanya memiliki bambu runcing, senjata pelucut senjata, dan warga yang rela mempertahankan kota Surabaya dan menyerang Inggris. Namun, pertempuran Surabaya adalah pertempuran terbesar dan terkuat sepanjang masa dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Dengan kekuatan yang minim, para pejuang Indonesia mampu mengusir Inggris, dan kini mereka telah menjadi simbol nasionalisme Indonesia melawan penjajahan atau kolonialisme.


12. jawaban soal nomor 5.what do you think about the indonesian military power compared to that of British army at that time

in indonesian a lot of weapons for weapons of war there is greater than the other then his english is not able to fight the country of indonesian

I hope this helps

13. What do you think about the indonesian military power compared to that of the british army that time?(on10november)

1. What do i think i theink that indonesian army are much weaker! why?
Because if you comepare to British, Indonesia have much more casualties
as you know on the war on november 10 British only took 600-1500 casualties
but if you compared it with Indonesia, it tooked 6000-16000.

semoga membantu

14. What do think about the indonesia military power compared to that of the bri ish army at that time

Indonesian military power was much weaker than the British army at that time because Indonesian army had 6,000-16,000 people dead, whereas the Brits had 600 – 2000 casualties

15. what do you think about the indonesian military power compared to that of the british army at that time?

i think our military power's cannot compare with british army at that time because our military is still weak than british army

16. Describe Ancient Epirus Military

Epirus (/ɪˈpaɪrəs/) is a geographicaland historical region in southeastern Europe, now shared between Greeceand Albania. It lies between the Pindus Mountains and the Ionian Sea, stretching from the Bay of Vlorë and theAcroceraunian mountains in the north to the Ambracian Gulf and the ruinedRoman city of Nicopolis in the south.[1][2] It is currently divided between theregion of Epirus in northwestern Greece and the counties of Gjirokastër, Vlorë, and Berat in southern Albania. The largest city in Epirus is Ioannina, seat of the region of Epirus, with Gjirokastër the largest city in the Albanian part of Epirus.

17. makasih ya nelsya putri dan military ​


Maksudnya Apa? Yah Gapaham Maaf

18. Coba artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia what do think about the Indonesian military power compred to that of the British army at that time?


bagaimana pendapat anda tentang kekuatan militer indonesia dibandingkan dengan tentara inggris pada waktu itu?

Semoga membantu-!

19. Agreeing military 1 terjadi pada tahun

pada tanggal 21 juli 194721 juli 1947.

semoga bermanfaat *-*

20. what do think about the indonesian military power compared to that of the british army at that time

I think the British army at that time was so powerful because they have modern weapon.

Maaf kalo salah, Semoga membantu..I think thats good idea because the British army is in good for completeness of weapon and for strategic of war, so for the British army can get more from the Indonesian military because our army can give knowledge about how can survive in the jungle. in the cooperate we can give each other about anything.
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