Measure Ee San Bernardino Pros And Cons

Measure Ee San Bernardino Pros And Cons

Measure Ee San Bernardino Pros And Cons


  • Measure Ee will provide additional funding for the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) to improve the quality of education.
  • It will provide additional funding for STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) programs.
  • It will provide additional funding for arts and music programs.
  • It will provide additional funding for mental health services, additional counselors and social workers, and other services to help students succeed.
  • It will provide additional funding for school safety programs, such as additional security personnel, training, and other measures.


  • Measure Ee will increase local taxes for residents in San Bernardino.
  • It is unclear how the additional funds will be used and allocated.
  • The proposed tax increase may lead to an increase in the cost of living for residents.
  • The measure does not provide any guarantees that the funds will be used effectively or efficiently.


Measure Ee San Bernardino is a local measure that will provide additional funding for the SBCUSD to improve the quality of education. While the measure has its pros, such as increased funding for STEAM, arts and music, mental health services, and school safety, it also has its cons, such as an increase in local taxes and lack of guarantees of how the funds will be used. It is up to the voters of San Bernardino to decide if this measure is worth passing.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. pros and cons of committing lies

pro dan contra karena melakukan kebohongan

2. pros and cons siswa datang terlambat

pros: none

- will get punishment
- will have a bad reputation
- will miss some subjects

semoga membantu! :D

3. contoh pros and cons of committing lies

lying is not a good deed to do. because lying is like playing domino. it will gradually cover each of them. once you commit a lie, there will come another lie to cover up your previous lie. 
it is fine to commit a lie, if only it's done for a good reason. for example, white lie. 

4. write a brief essay about the pros and cons of consuming instant noodles!​

Instant noodles are a great dish to many people around the world. They are delicious, easy to cook, and most certainly very cheap. It can be seen in every imaginable market across the entire world. However, there are also many drawbacks into consuming instant noodles. They are not good for your health, there is a lot of MSG, which can lead to obesity, neurotoxic effects, and diseases that may cause death or serious illness.

Semoga terbantu...

5. Apa yang dimaksudt dengan pros dan cons....

Pros dan consmerupakan faktor atau hal-hal yang menguntungkan dan tidak menguntungkan dari suatu masalah. Selain itu, istilahnya dapat digunakan untuk argumen yang setuju dan tidak setuju terhadap sesuatu. Frasa tersebut berasal dari bahasa Latin yaitu "prō" dan "contrā", yang artinya masing-masing adalah "mendukung" dan "menentang".


Contoh penggunaan frasa pros dan cons:


Sania: Aku dan suamiku baru saja membeli rumah lama bekas di daerah Tebet.

Yuni: Wah keren banget, pros dan cons nya rumah itu apa aja sehingga kalian memutuskan untuk membeli rumah lama bekas?

Sania: Pros-nya jelas dekat dengan kantor kami. Lalu juga harganya lumayan miring untuk area Jakarta Selatan dan juga lingkungannya bagus. Kalau cons-nya ada di kondisi rumah yang kurang terawat karena sudah lama. Selain itu garasinya hanya muat 1 mobil kecil. Tapi kami akan melakukan renovasi agar lebih nyaman. Jadi ada biaya tambahan lagi yang harus kami keluarkan, itu juga termasuk cons-nya.

Yuni: Semangat ya! Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.

Sania: Terima kasih ya!



Kebijakan zonasi mempermudah siswa dan keluarganya untuk mengakses sekolah dengan jarak dekat.Pandemi ini membuat banyak orang sadar akan pentingnya cuci tangan.Menggunakan kendaraan umum dapat mengurangi angka kemacetan di perkotaan.


Kebijakan zonasi mengakibatkan pilihan sekolah siswa menjadi sangat terbatas.Pandemi ini membuat banyak orang kehilangan mata pekerjaannya.Menggunakan kendaraan umum beresiko untuk meningkatnya angka kejahatan.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang arti kata dear tentang arti dari bad mood tentang arti dari urwell

Detail jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Vocabulary

Kode: -

#AyoBelajar #SPJ2

6. Read the statement. Complete the table with pros and cons. Extracurricular activities like playing an instrument in the school band, or playing in a school sports team, should be compulsory for all students. Write your opinion the pros and cons with the correct sentences. Pros : 1. .................................................................................................................................. 2. ................................................................................................................................... Cons 1. .................................................................................................................................. 2. .................................................................................................................................. note : at least 2 opinions in each Pros and Cons.


1 I have a look at the moment and I will be get best price for the first time in the UK and Ireland destinations only a few days ago by the way to up to the beach if my father gives me permission to do with the following models

7. Give your opinion Pros and cons about eating instant noodles

Jawaban:in my opinion it is not good to eat instant noodles every day because it can damage the body and is not good for health


Pros: It’s very easy to make and it’s convinient. You can find it almost everywhere in convinient stores and supermarkets.

Cons: It’s not healthy to eat so much of it because there is a lot of MSG. You can fall ill if you eat a lot.

8. like all good things, however, there are pros and cons to if

This is here ................

9. contoh pros of incarceration dan cons of incarceration

Pros : Incarceration will decrease criminals
Cons : Family who has the family member incarcerated loses their family member

10. pros and cons about indonesia goverment will banned social media​


Pros : there is something wrong with social Media in Indonesia nowadays , especially the users . A lot of negative things and hoax come from social media , so Banned social media is the right things to do

Cons : other things we can do to avoid the negative effect from socmed is to educate the users , not banned the social media . Social media is used to make communication much easier, so if social media were banned , it makes No progress for Indonesia Society and Technology, proving that Indonesians government only want to do the quick and instant way.


11. students must have a laptop or computer. there are pros and cons about this.write pros opinion and cons opinion that you know!​


learning just got easier


I don't want to be complicated

that is my opinion

12. thw pros and cons ban should teenegers from use Facebook​


pertanyaan nya apa kak?

13. Contoh paragraf discussion judul "the pros and cons of cheating?"

The Pros And Cons Of Cheating

We all know that cheating is wrong so we are going to show you what is the pros and cons of cheating the pros of cheating is you can get a good grades but the cons of cheating is you might get caught,feel bad about ourself,and if your get a bad luck your cheated test will be bad.Well that's my oppinion of cheating.


14. Write a brief essay about the pros and cons of consuming sweet foods! ​

The pros and cons of consuming sweet foods!

Issue: Sweet foods are foods that many people loved. In daily life, we can find sweet foods everywhere. There are many sweet foods with unique shapes and various colors. However, it is not good to be consumed every day. The bad effect of consuming a lot of sweet food is diabetes.Argumen Pro: Sweet foods are useful for introducing a variety of types of food. The prices are also very affordable, very suitable for sweet food lovers.Argument kontra: Sometimes there are bad sellers. They give artificial sweeteners and harmful food coloring, formalin and borax for their food mixtures. Of course, this is not good for the health of buyers.Conclusion: We shouldn't eat sweet food too much. Don't look at food from its appearance, because it's not necessarily safe, it could be food with a variety of colors mixed with dangerous artificial sweeteners.


Discussion text adalah teks yang bersifat argumentatif. Di dalamnya terdapat opini atau pandangan terhadap sesuatu secara objektif entah itu pro ataupun kontra. Karena inti dari Discussion Text itu biasanya bersifat netral.

Tujuan Discussion Text untuk memberikan pemahaman dari sudut pandang baru terhadap masalah atau isu berdasarkan banyak sumber dan tidak dari satu sisi saja.

Struktur Discussion Text

Issue = Berisi masalah yang akan dibahas.Argumen pro = Berisi penjelasan bersifat positif. Argumen kontra = Berisi penjelasan bersifat negatif. Conclusion = Berisi kesimpulan.

Arti dari teks di atas:

Isu/Masalah: Makanan manis adalah makanan yang disukai banyak orang. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita dapat menemukan makanan manis di mana-mana. Ada banyak makanan manis dengan bentuk dan warna yang unik. Namun, tidak baik dikonsumsi setiap hari. Dampak buruk dari banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis adalah diabetes.Argumen Pro: Makanan manis berguna untuk mengenalkan berbagai jenis makanan. Harganya juga sangat terjangkau, sangat cocok untuk pecinta makanan manis.Argumen kontra: Terkadang ada penjual yang jahat. Mereka memberikan pemanis buatan dan pewarna makanan berbahaya, formalin dan boraks untuk campuran makanan mereka. Tentu saja hal ini tidak baik untuk kesehatan pembeli.Kesimpulan: Kita tidak boleh makan makanan manis terlalu banyak. Jangan melihat makanan dari tampilannya, karena belum tentu aman, bisa jadi makanan dengan berbagai warna dicampur dengan pemanis buatan yang berbahaya.

Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 12

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Discussion Text

Kode: 12.5

15. The issue discussed pros and cons on video games


masalah ini membuat pro dan kontra di video game


Masalah ini membahas pro dan kontra dari video game


itu terjemahannya

semoga membantu :)

16. Text discussion about pros and cons career women

Teks diskusi tentang pro dan kontra wanita karir

17. pros and cons about indonesia goverment will banned google search​


In My Opinion we have to understand what purpose about this case

18. What are some pros and cons of holding high levels of current assets in relation to sales ?


Pros of holding high level of current asset in relation to sales- A. It will be helping the company to have higher amount of liquidity present in the hands of the company


jadikan jawaban tercerdas :)

19. Give your opinion about the pros and cons of homeschooling !


homeschooling makes me less social not smart to adapt to other people. but on the other hand homeschooling makes me more focused on learning, I know where my mistakes lie

20. pros and cons of using blackberry inthe work place

pros and cons of using blackberry in the work placePros:
1. You are able to contact persons you need and send messages right away, since now, more than 50% Indonesians are using blackberry.

2. You can record or take decent pics regarding your work, or presentation, etc. So if you need it in another time, you can open your bb and listen or look at it.

3. Talking about presentations, you can write (well, at least type) the theme or topics you want to share. It'll make your presentation WAY easier.

4. Listening to music while learning is a best way to understand your subjects, mate! ^^

5. Connect to i-net has never been easier than using your gadgets.


1. Your BB could make you distracted at work..

2. Incoming call or messages (especially from the annoying network provider) could ring your phone unavoidably.

3. When you're out of battery, or signal, those gadgets are not function-able.

Tips: Better to vibrate your phone while at work, if not, it will be NSFW (Not safe for work)

Here are the pros and cons, Cheers mate! ^^

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