225 Divided By 5

225 Divided By 5

## Introduction To Dividing by 5 ### What Is Dividing by 5? Dividing by 5 is a process of dividing a number by 5. It is a basic mathematical operation in which a number is divided by 5. ### What Is the Result of Dividing 225 by 5? The result of dividing 225 by 5 is 45. ### How Do You Divide a Number By 5? To divide a number by 5, you must first divide the number by 5 and then divide the result by 5. For example, to divide 225 by 5, you would divide 225 by 5 and then divide the result by 5, which gives you 45. #### What Is the Process of Dividing by 5? The process of dividing by 5 involves first dividing the number by 5 and then dividing the result by 5. This process is repeated until the result is a whole number. ##### What Are the Benefits of Dividing by 5? The benefits of dividing by 5 include increased accuracy in calculations, decreased time spent on calculations, and improved understanding of fractions and decimals. Dividing by 5 is also a useful tool in problem solving and analytical thinking.

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Questions and Answers:

1. 149 divided by 5 equals ... r ...


29,8 ≈ 30

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

149 : 5 = 29,8

29,8 ≈ 30



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


maaf kalo salah dan jangan lupa kasih jawaban tercerdas

2. what is 100 divided by 10 multiplication by 100 divided by 50



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat ya


berapakah 100 dibagi 10 dikalikan 100 dibagi 50=20

maaf klo salah

3. a naturan number n has remainder 1 when divided by 5. it also has remainder 2 when divided by 6, 4 when divided by 8 and 2 when divided by 9. what is the smalles value of n?

four dedid by eight is one devided by two

4. 7 divided by 18repeating fraction.

Subject : Mathematic
About : Divided
7 divided by 18 mean .....
7 : 18
= 7 / 18
= 0,388¯

-Prisco[tex] \frac{7}{18} [/tex]

Iterasi pertama,
[tex] \frac{18}{7} = 2+\frac{4}{7} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{4}{7}} [/tex]

Iterasi kedua,
[tex] \frac{7}{4}=1+\frac{3}{4}[/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{3}{4}}} [/tex]

Iterasi ketiga,
[tex] \frac{4}{3} = 1+\frac{1}{3} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{3}}}} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{7}{18} = \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{3}}}} [/tex]

5. thirty divided by ten is...


thirty divided by ten is... arti dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah tigapuluhdibagi sepuluhadalahtiga(three)


semoga membantu ✨


tigahpuluh dibagi sepuluh

6. Ten divided by two equals to​


Ten divided by two equals to five.

Sepuluh dibagi dua sama dengan lima


Semoga membantu:)


Ten divided by two equals to five (lima)


pertama, kita artikan satu persatu ya..

ten = 10 (sepuluh)

divided by = dibagi oleh

two = 2 (dua)

equals to.. = sama dengan...?

10 : 2 = 5.

sepuluh dibagi dua sama dengan lima.

so, (maka),

Ten divided by two equals to five (lima)

jadi jawabannya adalah FIVE (LIMA).


semoga membantu ^^jadikan jawaban terbaik / tercerdas, ya!

7. Fifty divided by five is

Jawaban: Ten

Penjelasan: 50 ÷ 5 = 10

8. 1.one hundred divided by...is five 2......multiplied by five ia dirty 3.one hundred divided by...is five 4.five multiplied by five is.... 5.two multiplied by....ia eight


1. twenty



4.twenty five


9. 786.4 divided by 0.6 = ?


786,4 divided by 0,6 = 1.311

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

786,4 : 0,6 = 7864/10 : 6/10

=7864/10 x 10/6=78640 /60

=7864/6 = 1.310,67 =1.311

Hope it helps and not wrong

10. 1.One hundred divided by...Is five 2......Multiplied by five ia dirty 3.One hundred divided by...Is five 4.Five multiplied by five is.... 5.Two multiplied by....Ia eight

Jawaban: 1. Twenty

2. Six

3. Twenty

4. Twenty five

5. Four


11. fifty divided by two is

the answer is twenty fivefifty divided by two is a twenty five

12. One hundred divided by ......... is five


divided by 20 ,


Seratus dibagi dengan ........ adalah


13. what is the remainder when 202^15 divided by 5?​


The number 202 is called the numerator or dividend, and the number 5 is called the denominator or divisor.

The quotient of 202 and 5, the ratio of 202 and 5, as well as the fraction of 202 and 5 all mean (almost) the same:

202 divided by 5, often written as 202/5.

Read on to find the result of 202 divided by 5 in decimal notation, along with its properties

14. sixty nine divided by seventy is​

Answer: there is no.



15. ten divided by two is

ten divided by two is fiveten divided two is five...

16. Twenty divided by four is

itu artinya 20 dibagi 4 hasilnya 5five. semoga bisa membantu

17. 16. 45: 15 = ...A Forty five divided by fifteenB. Four five divided by one fiveC. Forty five divided by fiveteenD. Fourteen five divided by fifteen​


A. Fourty five divided by fifteen


45 dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Fourty Five

15 dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Fifteen

catatan: angka belasan dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Teen, dan angka puluhan dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Ty di belakang angka/kata pertama.


18. seventy-two divided by twelve is


Six = Enam


Seventy-two = 72

Twelve = 12

Divided = Dibagi

By = Dengan

= 72 ÷ 12

= 6

Semoga membantu :)

19. sixty divided by fifteen equal​


60 : 15 = 4

Divided : dibagi


enam puluh dibagi lima belas sama dengan


60 : 15 = 4

so sixty divided by fifteen equals four

20. forty divided by eighet is.... ​


40 : 8 = 5. (empat puluh dibagi delapan)

the answer is five



semoga membantu ❣️

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